
  • Awesome! Custom Pin Types (#pressnomics bowling team) won best team spirit. It was the custom t-shirts of course.

  • RT @SiobhanPMcKeown: The best dressed bowling team #pressnomics

  • Somebody on my bowling team is a horses ass. #pressnomics

  • God I suck. @ryancduff is now mocking me. #Pressnomics

  • There I am! “@FireHost: We’re at the first annual #pressnomics bowling tournament.”

  • Picture of someone taking a picture of the bowling team. #PressNomics

  • More scores. Right now @ryancduff is feeling cocky right now. #Pressnomics

  • Awesome. @ryancduff becomes the bowling horse and crowd goes nuts. #pressnomics

  • RT @Confrz: Live tweeting a bowling event. A new low for @dimensionmedia #pressnomics

  • RT @masonjames: “@dimensionmedia: Currently bowling with @ryancduff and @masonjames #PressNomics ” with me “bowling …

  • Our scores. So so proud. @ryancduff @masonjames #pressnomics

  • OH: “We suck at bowling. Thank God we didn’t go to a gun range.” #Pressnomics

  • Here’s @vegasgeek and @shaynesanderson in their natural environment. #pressnomics

  • RT @Confrz: Armchair WordCampers can follow #PressNomics bowling. If you are that lonely.

  • Currently bowling with @ryancduff and @masonjames #PressNomics

  • Don’t forget to check out some pictures from tonight’s #pressnomics party:

  • #Pressnomics after party. Yep, another one. Not here? Be jealous.

  • RT @vegasgeek: Playing the phone game at dinner causes this. RT @LisaSabinWilson: Twitter Lo-Fi #pressnomics

  • For anyone interested, there’s a group heading for a stake house for dinner now. That’s about all i know. #clueless at #pressnomics

  • Why is #pressnomics cool? Conversations. Walked right into a group talking about that “Ghost” that hit HN. Great discussion.

  • Nice pants! #pressnomics

  • Nice. @markjbrown mentions ACS Plugin for WordPress which works with Windows Azure.… #pressnomics

  • Learning about Microsoft Azure from @markjbrown #PressNomics

  • Who wants to get together for some sweet WordPress later on? #pressnomics

  • If anyone needs a BUDDYPRESS spirit guide, let me know. 🙂 #pressnomics

  • WP Stack, a cool open source WordPress deployment system that @markjaquith built. #pressnomics…

  • Here’s @boone Patronage article that @markjaquith was mentioning at #pressnomics…

  • Collaborate: submit patches, create plugins, build simple/free themes, donate employees to core, share knowledge on your blogs. #pressnomics

  • There’s a form of Karma in the WordPress community. Give, and it comes back to you. @markjaquith #pressnomics

  • Good discussion about collaboration where it makes sense. #pressnomics @markjaquith