Usually not a fan of "top x" sites especially with light bait titles but… "Top 100 most creative and unique #portfolio websites of 2024" Bookmarking because there might be some inspiration gazing here. https://muz.li/blog/top-100-most-creative-and-unique-portfolio-websites-of-2024/ #frontend #design #webdev
awesome-github-profile-readme ( abhisheknaiidu/awesome-github-profile-readme )
😎 A curated list of awesome GitHub Profile READMEs 📝 Created by abhisheknaiidu on Jul 12, 2020.
developerFolio ( saadpasta/developerFolio )
🚀 Software Developer Portfolio Template that helps you showcase your work and skills as a software developer. Created by saadpasta on Oct 29, 2019.