
  • So instead of grown adults wondering around my neighorhood looking at a phone, they’ll be looking at their watch. #AppleEvent #PokemonGO

  • Building #PokemonGo in pure HTML, Javascript & CSS blog.geofenceapi.org/post/149196681…

  • “How I built an app with 500,000 users in 5 days on a $100 server” @erikduindam (yes, it’s #PokemonGO related) medium.com/unboxd/how-i-b…

  • “Where is the nearest #PokemonGo Gym?” was actually an actual question at #WPCampus. Not judging, but MAYBE we don’t deserve to go to Mars.

  • Changing my #wpcampus talk to: “Building A WordPress Site That Informs Students Playing Too Much #PokemonGO Of Their New Career Choices.”

  • If used properly/balanced things like #PokemonGo are a healthful distraction from a crappy world. Go ahead & rain on it, just not too hard.

  • Help. Just took a step outside and i’m surrounded. Not sure what #PokemonGO animal these are. Bread inventory zero.