
  • Feedle is a "new-to-me search engine for #blog posts and #podcasts with #RSS feed for every search and a solid trending posts list". https://feedle.world

  • This #AI generated podcast recapping Hacker News is impressive and uncanny. I wouldn't be surprised if this results in more "daily few minutes of news" #podcasts / shows. https://hackernewsrecap.buzzsprout.com/2170103/12788441-may-4th-2023-google-s-ai-vulnerability-open-source-threat-is-real?t=0

  • awesome-podcasts ( pbnj/awesome-podcasts )

    🎙 A collection of awesome engineering podcasts! ARCHIVED in favor of https://github.com/rShetty/awesome-podcasts Created by pbnj on Nov 12, 2016.

  • RT @pchaney: I’m happy to announce that my new podcast, Freelancing After 50, is now available on Apple Podcasts. #freelancing #podcasts #O…