
  • Armchair WordCampers: You can follow the last day of @phparch today happening in Washington D.C. #phpworld

  • We live in the future. #phpworld…

  • .@ircmaxell on “PHP7 and Beyond: The Future of PHP” from #phpworld…

  • @andreasnrb @JJJ @EricMann same here. i’ll livetweet the crap out of it. #phpworld

  • “If you want to measure technical debt in the billions of dollars, look at the government.” @nacin #phpworld

  • “Government has a system that runs on COBOL. Half the people that are working on it are approaching retirement.” @nacin #phpworld

  • U.S. Digital Services Playbook contains best practices that help build digital services. @nacin #phpworld

  • Watching LIVE on #Periscope: php[world] Andrew Nacin Keynote… #phpworld

  • Looks like the #phpworld livestream of @nacin keynote isn’t happening. Grumble. Grumble.…

  • If you follow/know @nacin work in WordPress, you might be interested in his #phpworld talk. Livestream at 9am EST:…

  • Really wish next month’s #phpworld had a livestream ticket.

  • RT @miss_jwo: Fear: The PHP community will think we’re insane. @nacin: You already think we are anyway. #phpworld

  • Interested in the future of PHP? Follow #phpworld today. Also @miss_jwo tweets. @EricMann and @nacin also giving talks today.