In reply to @davidbisset. To be clear, I said "foundation". So much growth over that newbie 20 years ago (when i started in ASP which is also gone) and it's been fun and challenging keeping up with the innovation on the web. But 20 years ago if you told me I would still be coding…
Thought by 2023 I'd be forced away from foundations of HTML #PHP #JavaScript #CSS (and #WordPress). A partial list of "hot and need to learn to survive" things over the past 20 years that didn't derail me: – Flash/ActionScript– ColdFusion– Ruby on Rails– (Countless JS "frameworks" that mostly don't exist today)– Go– JAMSTACK– React– AMP–…
What's new in #PHP 8.3
I know it was a few days ago but RIP #PHP 8.0.
Checking the type of a string in #PHP
#Developers: Sqids (pronounced "squids") is an #opensource lib that lets you generate YouTube-looking short (and collision free) IDs from numbers. Example: #PHP #Dart #JavaScript #Python
When I saw this I instantly was triggered by my inability to properly at times initially define variable names in #PHP. #coding #developers
OH: "If you haven't randomly said "Happy #PHP 8.3.0 Day!" today (Nov 23) to non-tech people then you aren't a true #PHP fan."
#PHP 8.3 is out. 🎉
Building analysis to get ready for #PHP 8.3 with static analysis
"OpenAI #PHP is a supercharged community-maintained PHP API client that allows you to interact with #OpenAI API."
wp-query-execution-time ( robertdevore/wp-query-execution-time )
WP_Query Execution Time Created by robertdevore on Oct 22, 2023.
nextjs-use-php ( bufferhead-code/nextjs-use-php )
Use PHP code right within your React / Next.js App. With “use php”; Created by bufferhead-code on Oct 29, 2023.
"Write #PHP Code Within #nextjs Components" 🤔
OH: "#PHP is the John Wick of programming languages."
"Turn Any #PHP Script into a Native Single-File Binary"
If you look at this and can immediately make a comment on #php – pat yourself on the back.
wordpress-admin-country-allowlist ( qwebltd/wordpress-admin-country-allowlist )
By far the simplest country allowlist plugin available for WordPress. Locks admin panel and XMLRPC access to a given list of allowed countries using QWeb’s IP to country lookup API. Created by qwebltd on Oct 20, 2023.
Quite possibly the best #PHP meme i've ever seen. 🧡
JoliTypo ( jolicode/JoliTypo )
:abc: Microtypography fixer for the web Created by jolicode on Dec 03, 2012.
Managing Git Hooks using Whisky in #PHP
"What’s New and Exciting in #PHP 8.3"
flappyphpant ( phpgl/flappyphpant )
Created by phpgl on Jul 24, 2023.
#WordPress is dropping support for #PHP 5. The new minimum supported version of PHP will be 7.0.0. The recommended version of PHP remains at 7.4 or greater. 🎉
#WordPress Proposal: Criteria for Removing “Beta Support” from Each #PHP 8+ Version
#WordPress Proposal: Criteria for Removing “Beta Support” from Each #PHP 8+ Version (via @hellofromTonya)…
2023 Stack Overflow survey. 90k+ developers. #PHP was #10. Visual Studio Code is King. A few other interesting tidbits but nothing surprising considering the source.
2023 @StackOverflow survey. 90k developers. #PHP was #10. Visual Studio Code is King. A few other interesting tidbits but nothing surprising considering the source.
castor ( jolicode/castor )
🦫 DX oriented task runner and command launcher built with PHP. Created by jolicode on May 17, 2023.
A task runner and command launcher designed with a focus on developer experience, built using #PHP.