
  • "#OpenAI is shockingly good at unminifying code" #AI #programming

  • In reply to @davidbisset. Wildcard is the #OpenAI partnership though. That is the anti-matter to Apple's "Privacy sell" matter. Meaning it could cause a huge explosion or that it can channel an advancement of warp drive if done right.

  • Interesting: QuickWP is a #WordPress page builder from Themeisle site builder that uses #OpenAI, an FSE theme, and WordPress Playground. Also #opensource. #AI

  • "Google adds AI to help humans write on the web." "Google reveals AI Will Read All Your Private Messages." "Google is doing _____ to search with AI." Can't help but feel history will write a chapter called: "#OpenAI and #Microsoft: How They Made Things Worse By Forcing #Google To Overreact". #AI

  • #Microsoft Is Eating The World "The Beginning of the End of #OpenAI" Note to myself: Saving this to and coming back in six months.

  • The more I hear about the #OpenAI mess the more I’m liking #opensource in AI.

  • "OpenAI #PHP is a supercharged community-maintained PHP API client that allows you to interact with #OpenAI API."

  • chatgpt.js ( kudoai/chatgpt.js )

    🤖 A powerful client-side JavaScript library for ChatGPT Created by kudoai on Mar 15, 2023.

  • Auto-GPT ( Significant-Gravitas/Auto-GPT )

    An experimental open-source attempt to make GPT-4 fully autonomous. Created by Significant-Gravitas on Mar 16, 2023.

  • weathergpt ( steven-tey/weathergpt )

    The ultimate ChatGPT Plugin starter template. Created by steven-tey on Apr 13, 2023.

  • e2b ( e2b-dev/e2b )

    e2b (english2bits) is an IDE powered by AI agents. Developers describe what they want to build by writing documentation. Then let AI agents with access to tools do the coding work. Created by e2b-dev on Mar 04, 2023.

  • userscripts ( adamlui/userscripts )

    MTurk, ChatGPT and other Greasemonkey userscripts. Created by adamlui on Feb 25, 2017.

  • innovator-ai ( wp-innovator/innovator-ai )

    Your AI assistant to make WordPress content writing journey smooth and beautiful using Open AI and ChatGPT. Created by wp-innovator on Dec 18, 2022.

  • select-gpt ( mihiraggarwal/select-gpt )

    A chrome extension that lets you select any text and run it through ChatGPT Created by mihiraggarwal on Dec 28, 2022.

  • client ( openai-php/client )

    ⚡️ OpenAI PHP is a supercharged PHP API client that allows you to interact with OpenAI API. Created by openai-php on Sep 25, 2022.