
  • If you remember (and like) the "old web" (I would even say even almost BEFORE officially "Web 1.0" as labeled) then you might enjoy this nostalgic and hopeful look at the "fun" web: "This page is under construction: A love letter to the personal website". https://localghost.dev/blog/this-page-is-under-construction/ #oldschool #web #blog

  • Untitled post 60276

    “Ever troubleshoot a #WordPress site and spot an old plugin that you didn’t know even existed?” 🤔 #memes #webdev #oldschool

  • Untitled post 60269

    Why I 🧡 the web: Someone did a browser port of Pitfall!. 🏃🏻‍♂️ https://meatfighter.com/pitfall-web/ #opensource: https://github.com/meatfighter/pitfall-js #JavaScript #oldschool #games #PitFall

  • A few days ago I was playing #Tetris in a PDF (and shared the link)… naturally DOOM enters the chat. https://www.theregister.com/2025/01/14/doom_delivered_in_a_pdf/ #oldschool #PDF

  • Why I 🧡 the web. Site that can randomly take you to a "useless" website. This got the "Web 1.0" days vibes.. …which i have to explain to my kids what 1.0 was like and they have to look at me like i am describing The Dark Ages. https://theuselessweb.com/ #oldschool

  • 40th anniversary of the #Atari ST (with "BASIC" and "LOGO" languages). https://www.goto10retro.com/p/atari-st-40th-anniversary #oldschool

  • Why I 🧡 the web: DOOM: The Gallery Experience was created as an art piece designed to parody the wonderfully pretentious world of gallery openings. Walk around and appreciate some fine art while sipping some wine and eating cheese – in a modified Doom game in your browser. There's even a gift shop! https://bobatealee.itch.io/doom-the-gallery-experience #art…

  • Untitled post 60180

    If you are REALLY old school #WordPress you'll remember the mailing lists. I actually talked with people via (gasp) email lists in addition to forums way back. I still have mine for BuddyPress that I still every month for almost two decades? #oldschool #getOffMyLawn

  • Untitled post 59675

    I am old. #oldschool Reportingly the ‘Success kid’ turned 18 today. #memes

  • Today in #Internet news. https://www.wosu.org/2024-09-24/45-years-ago-compuserve-connected-the-world-before-the-world-wide-web On September 24, 1979, #CompuServe launched its online service for consumers. 45 years ago. Back when #modems made horrible noises connecting. My kids don't know… #oldschool

  • Untitled post 59650

    When someone asks "Remember The Good Old Days?" I think of this. #memes #pinball #oldschool

  • Wow. After 27 years AnandTech closes it's doors. One of the first tech publications I remember. #OldSchool geeks a moment of silence. https://www.anandtech.com/show/21542/end-of-the-road-an-anandtech-farewell #tech

  • Untitled post 59580

    Why I 🧡 the web: A editable Inkscape Blockbuster Video #VHS insert template. #opensource #oldschool https://github.com/rfinnie/blockbuster

  • I visited this site when it viral and it captured the fun of the "old web" that you don't see much these days. "Scaling One Million Checkboxes to 650,000,000 checks" https://eieio.games/essays/scaling-one-million-checkboxes/ #webdev #oldschool

  • "In Praise Of The Basics" https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2024/05/in-praise-of-the-basics/ "Long live the basics! Long live the “a-ha!” moments that help us all fall in love with the World Wide Web." #webdev #oldschool #html #css

  • RIP to a real #oldschool web tech. "#ICQ will stop workingfrom June 26". https://icq.com/desktop/en I think this it for ICQ. I used to remember my ICQ by heart.

  • "38% of webpages that existed in 2013 are no longer accessible a decade later." 😞 https://www.pewresearch.org/data-labs/2024/05/17/when-online-content-disappears/ #web #internet #oldschool

  • Why I 🧡 the web: "Surf the #web like it’s 1999 with these #oldschool cursors" https://www.figma.com/blog/april-fun-day-cursors/

  • Untitled post 59287

    Why I 🧡 the web. Text to #ASCII Art Generator… VERY cool #oldschool https://patorjk.com/software/taag/

  • Untitled post 59138

    Why I 🧡 the web. "Surf the web like it’s 1999 with these old-school cursors" https://www.figma.com/blog/april-fun-day-cursors/ #oldschool #ui

  • Untitled post 58850

    Why I 🧡 the web: Driftmania is an #opensource PICO-8 racing game you can play in your browser. https://frenchie14.itch.io/driftmania #oldschool #8bit

  • 👉🏻 The server side image map. Another trigger for #oldschool #developers. In the time it took to read that it either didn't do anything to you or you had horrible paralyzing flashbacks. 🫢

  • 👉🏻 The server side image map. In the time it took to read that it either didn't do anything for. you or you had horrible paralyzing flashbacks. 🫢 #oldschool #developers #html

  • If you are triggered by the mention of the 1×1.gif then you are an 1990's #oldschool #developer.

  • Untitled post 58691

    Why I 🧡 the web. "SURF THE WEB LIKE IT'S 1999!" https://billsworld.neocities.org/ #GeoCities #oldschool

  • I went down memory lane on these 10 "HTML Hacks" history. I scored a 10 our of 10 on these. If you did at least 7, you're in the #oldschool #webdev club. https://tedium.co/2023/11/24/weird-html-hacks-history/ Today being a #developer is complicated but early days you had to jump through hoops that newer devs take for granted today.

  • Untitled post 58458

    The 88×31 #GIF Collection (If you remember these on web pages like I do pat yourself on the back) https://cyber.dabamos.de/88×31/ #oldschool #webdesign

  • john-doe ( cadars/john-doe )

    A simple way to make HTML websites Created by cadars on Nov 10, 2020.

  • Want to get that #oldschool feeling of what BBS were like (or show the younger ones)? klud.ge

  • Get back to #oldschool #MacOS with macos9.app Pretty neat how you can do this in a browser.