
  • Untitled post 59650

    When someone asks "Remember The Good Old Days?" I think of this. #memes #pinball #oldschool

  • Wow. After 27 years AnandTech closes it's doors. One of the first tech publications I remember. #OldSchool geeks a moment of silence. https://www.anandtech.com/show/21542/end-of-the-road-an-anandtech-farewell #tech

  • Untitled post 59580

    Why I 🧑 the web: A editable Inkscape Blockbuster Video #VHS insert template. #opensource #oldschool https://github.com/rfinnie/blockbuster

  • I visited this site when it viral and it captured the fun of the "old web" that you don't see much these days. "Scaling One Million Checkboxes to 650,000,000 checks" https://eieio.games/essays/scaling-one-million-checkboxes/ #webdev #oldschool

  • "In Praise Of The Basics" https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2024/05/in-praise-of-the-basics/ "Long live the basics! Long live the β€œa-ha!” moments that help us all fall in love with the World Wide Web." #webdev #oldschool #html #css

  • RIP to a real #oldschool web tech. "#ICQ will stop workingfrom June 26". https://icq.com/desktop/en I think this it for ICQ. I used to remember my ICQ by heart.

  • "38% of webpages that existed in 2013 are no longer accessible a decade later." 😞 https://www.pewresearch.org/data-labs/2024/05/17/when-online-content-disappears/ #web #internet #oldschool

  • Why I 🧑 the web: "Surf the #web like it’s 1999 with these #oldschool cursors" https://www.figma.com/blog/april-fun-day-cursors/

  • Untitled post 59287

    Why I 🧑 the web. Text to #ASCII Art Generator… VERY cool #oldschool https://patorjk.com/software/taag/

  • Untitled post 59138

    Why I 🧑 the web. "Surf the web like it’s 1999 with these old-school cursors" https://www.figma.com/blog/april-fun-day-cursors/ #oldschool #ui

  • Untitled post 58850

    Why I 🧑 the web: Driftmania is an #opensource PICO-8 racing game you can play in your browser. https://frenchie14.itch.io/driftmania #oldschool #8bit

  • πŸ‘‰πŸ» The server side image map. Another trigger for #oldschool #developers. In the time it took to read that it either didn't do anything to you or you had horrible paralyzing flashbacks. 🫒

  • πŸ‘‰πŸ» The server side image map. In the time it took to read that it either didn't do anything for. you or you had horrible paralyzing flashbacks. 🫒 #oldschool #developers #html

  • If you are triggered by the mention of the 1×1.gif then you are an 1990's #oldschool #developer.

  • Untitled post 58691

    Why I 🧑 the web. "SURF THE WEB LIKE IT'S 1999!" https://billsworld.neocities.org/ #GeoCities #oldschool

  • I went down memory lane on these 10 "HTML Hacks" history. I scored a 10 our of 10 on these. If you did at least 7, you're in the #oldschool #webdev club. https://tedium.co/2023/11/24/weird-html-hacks-history/ Today being a #developer is complicated but early days you had to jump through hoops that newer devs take for granted today.

  • Untitled post 58458

    The 88×31 #GIF Collection (If you remember these on web pages like I do pat yourself on the back) https://cyber.dabamos.de/88×31/ #oldschool #webdesign

  • john-doe ( cadars/john-doe )

    A simple way to make HTML websites Created by cadars on Nov 10, 2020.

  • Want to get that #oldschool feeling of what BBS were like (or show the younger ones)? klud.ge

  • Get back to #oldschool #MacOS with macos9.app Pretty neat how you can do this in a browser.