
  • In Defense of No-code(‘s potential) (Via Hillel Wayne) #nocode…

  • .@bph shares a #nocode contributor journey with the #WordPress #Gutenberg Githib repo at @WordCampAsia. “You don’t have to be a developer to contribute and have an impact.” #WCAsia Video

  • A dev adovcate at @stripe, @hidetaka_dev from Japan on stage at @WordCampAsia sharing how you can use #nocode tools for a Saas business. In particular a subscription service w/ #WordPress full site editing. #WCAsia …

  • blocks ( blocks/blocks )

    A JSX-based page builder for creating beautiful websites without writing code Created by blocks on Apr 12, 2019.

  • @masek_jackie Well, depends on text. WordPress is really #nocode if you’re talking about the blocks, editor (outside of maybe custom CSS). If i’m coding a WP site i’m using #PHP, JS (in some form), and other programming languages. It’s real coding, but at that point ignore the gatekeepers.

  • “We are still in a transition” says @nerrad. “With #Gutenberg we are seeing a shift where the first experience for #WordPress stores and sites is #nocode without losing the customizing factor.” #WCEU #WCEU2022

  • I think is the first in a long time #WordPress site that I’ve done 100% #nocode. All blocks, not touching files. As a developer, it’s an odd but cool feeling. My daughter feels at home editing it as I show her the “tricks” of HTML and CSS.

  • Motor Admin is a “custom #nocode admin panel” you can put together. (No code outside of the SQL I’m guessing). Gives me thought of wondering what building the #WordPress dashboard itself with blocks would be like.