
  • #MentalHealth tip: it's ok to unfollow negative community folks even if they are active contributors or good developers. There's a line between venting on social media vs. nearly every post being negative, berating, or snarky attempts on the framework or community that they've chosen to be a part of. They can do them, but don't…

  • Mental Health in Open Source #mentalhealth #opensource #webdev

  • Maybe – just maybe – we support, encourage, and show appreciation of those in our #WordPress community (especially under represented groups) BEFORE they decide to leave or write “that blog post”. Let’s figure out together how to do this better. #WPShowerThoughts #MentalHealth

  • .@corymiller303 “The Iceberg of Life” post is worthy of another share… #mentalhealth

  • Interesting read: “How to Train Your Human: Designing for Healthier Habits” @lakshmoo… #health #mentalhealth

  • Listening to @Michele_Butcher @norcross @marktimemedia @bamadesigner @ShawnHooper talk about #mentalhealth. #wctpa

  • Rest matters. #mentalhealth…

  • Mental Health and Open Source… #mentalhealth

  • Developers: make the one video you watch today NOT be about coding but instead #mentalhealth from @corymiller303…

  • @helenhousandi as someone who’s family is VERY familiar with #mentalhealth the fact you say things in public is to me courageous.

  • We focus on deadlines, our tools, profit margins. Not enough on #mentalhealth. Stop and read @corymiller303 post:…