
  • Untitled post 60250

    .pool-table { border-radius: 50%;} #CSS #memes

  • Untitled post 60236

    Client: "The forms on our website should cover ALL the bases." πŸ€” #memes #webdev #UX

  • Untitled post 60233

    .house { flex-direction: column-reverse;} #CSS #memes

  • Untitled post 60229

    "Ever see things in real life that remind you of code bases you've worked on?" πŸ€” #programming #memes #webdev

  • Untitled post 60220

    #PHP keeps on truckin'. #Laravel #memes

  • Untitled post 60210

    .bench { position: absolute; margin-bottom: -100px;} #CSS #memes

  • Untitled post 60202

    Client: β€œSure we used AccessiBe to make our site accessible, why do you ask?” πŸ€” #a11y #webdev #Accessibility #memes

  • Untitled post 60196

    Client: β€œI’m sure the 8 web developers over the past 5 years that never communicated with each other built the code just fine.” πŸ€” #webdev #javascript #memes

  • Opening my emails after a two week holiday and vacation. #memes

  • Untitled post 60189

    "Give me half a cup of coffee." Normal people: Full up cup to half-way. Programmers: πŸ€” #memes #programming

  • Untitled post 60178

    You think YOU'LL have a bad time in 2025? Not as bad as some, it seems. #memes

  • Untitled post 60173

    Literally the last day of the year to finish your big project and you can’t get that 1% of #CSS to line up. #memes #webdev

  • Untitled post 60145

    β€œThis is a two person project but we only afford one person. Just use #AI.” πŸ€” #memes #webdev

  • Untitled post 60096

    Real* screenshot from the US Department of Defense. #blogging #whoops #testing * = I know I post #memes, but this one is real though can't imagine this will be up forever.

  • Untitled post 60088

    "What's the worst password incorrect dialog box?" πŸ€” #webDev #security #UI #memes

  • Untitled post 60071

    "Everywhere I look I'm reminded of my dwindling code commits in #Github." πŸ€” #webdev #programming #memes

  • Untitled post 60030

    Designer: "Let's put the login button next to a delete button (that doesn't confirm)". πŸ€” #webDev #UI #UX #memes

  • Untitled post 60019

    Hey #developers – be careful when you build automatic opt-out features, that's all i'm saying. #webDev #iOS #memes

  • Untitled post 60015

    β€œWhat’s your #SpotifyWrapped look like?” πŸ€” #memes #startrek

  • Untitled post 59994

    Monday: "I'm sure given this week I'll be able to fix the bug cleanly, effectively, and professionally." Friday: #webdev #programming #memes

  • Untitled post 59973

    My reaction why my kid asked if i considered myself old and do I remember things called "iPods". #memes #GetOffMyLawn

  • Untitled post 59955

    Some #developers: "No need to write #documentation. It's obvious to customers how to use it." πŸ€” #memes

  • Untitled post 59925

    When it's ugly piece of #code but it fits well into your application. #cybertruck #memes #programming #webDev

  • Untitled post 59919

    I'll be honest. i'm probably not the greatest husband when it comes to understanding my wife. I would lie if sometimes as a #programmer i didn't read her like this. #memes

  • Untitled post 59915

    When you're #programming and you discover you misspelled a variable… ….and instead of fixing you just add a appropriate comment to make it look like you meant it. #webDev #memes

  • Someone did a website where you can lean HTTP status codes – #GoldenGirls style. Chef's kiss. #tech #webdev #memes

  • Untitled post 59902

    When you leave debugging on in production. #webdev #programming #memes

  • Untitled post 59893

    This other social network has made #Mastodon is such a enigma. And not talking about Twitter. "Hoping Mastodon will get it's great migration too.""Hoping Mastodon stays small / underdog." …shouted simultaneously out of the same mouths. Proud to make my home here but it's odd.. maybe some of this noise is performative? Reminds me of…

  • Untitled post 59886

    Maybe #Bluesky isn't so great after all. I told it to make me a "Starter Pack". It apparently took one look at my profile, jokes, what i looked like… and it came up with this. #memes

  • 🚽 "Don’t sit on the toilet for more than 10 minutes, doctors warn." Those who #code have now lost one of their most sacred debugging spaces. #memes