
  • Surprising enough i'm spending more time on #LinkedIn as my "other than #Mastodon social space". While recruiter and over the top marketing folks are there, they are easy enough to avoid and ignore surprisingly enough. Not sure why. Initial impressions is that there are more "news" links vs "snarky/hot takes and reactive" takes. Less negativity.…

  • RSS Cross Poster: A #node script to post new items from an #RSS feed to various services including and #Mastodon.

  • If you want to follow curated #WordPress news (posts, videos, podcasts), subscribe to the #RSS feed of (or visit the site). It runs on a small $0.99 server so when I mention it on #Mastodon the traffic kinda overloads it briefly (even with caching but i'm working on it).

  • I figure my first quote post would be of myself. Seems fitting. #ivory #Mastodon

  • Saw today Quote Posts in #Tapbot app and loving how it's done. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป #Mastodon

  • Also bookmarking another related #BlueskyBridge post from @manton. "It often feels that (some) Mastodon folks care more about #Mastodon as a platform than they care about the #openweb as a platform."

  • Avoiding or ignoring controversies is my jam but i'm bookmarking what seems like a good write up on what's been going on w/ #BlueskyBridge, which includes responses to Includes negative feedback voiced from a few on #Mastodon. #Bluesky

  • Good read. Not really new news but summarizes I think well enough. "Social networks are getting stingy with their data, leaving third-party developers in the lurch". #Mastodon #Bluesky #API

  • Almost required reading for anyone posting on #socialmedia regardless if it's #Mastodon #BlueSky or X. via Adam Newbold. Time and replace for everything. Trick is knowing when which is usually far less than one initially reasons. Usually the question "will my response be welcomed or considered" is enough. โ˜ฎ๏ธ

  • The "Who To Follow on #Mastodon For #WordPress folks" page is still alive and kicking, if you weren't aware.

  • MastoFeed is a #RSS to #Mastodon service.

  • Listening to a #JSParty episode about #HTMX. Learning about it for the first time, but based on all the hate i'm seeing from #JavaScript folks on #Mastodon about it, it's worth seeing that this is. #podcast #webdev

  • The best social network right now (at least in terms of "what makes me feel ๐Ÿ’ฏ") for me isn't #Mastodon, Twitter, etc. but a (relatively small) #Slack (one of the few Slacks i'm active on).

  • Question to my tech people on #Mastodon: My wife and daughter are building an app for web/iPhone/Android that requires storage of text/CSV files in a *secure* #database or storage via a service. Not AWS. Not preferably iCloud. Is there a service that can JUST provide SECURE storage with an API? Files contain records of students,…

  • #Content lessons even more relevant in 2023 than previous years. ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป Own your domain name even if it's a "crappy" $5/year one.๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป"Own your content" and as much of "the stack" as possible.๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป Control your distribution of your content.๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป If you aren't hosting your content, ensure you have backups, archives, or access in case your provider…

  • Untitled post 58519

    Some folks on #Mastodon right now. #Threads #Fediverse #ActivityPub

  • Not surprising, but one can't deny that @w3c leaving #Twitter is another tip of the hat to #webdev tech growing on #Mastodon. In the past year I think I've gradually stopping hearing "find us on Twitter" statements at the end of all the dev podcasts too.

  • Best tips I've heard on how #Mastodon can welcome people migrating from other social network. Summarizing: – Don't say "about time".– Avoid "well you're here now, so welcome."– Best: don't mention any other social network at all. Welcome them. Answer questions. Be helpful. Mentioning where they're coming from, even in passing can seem unintentionally smug.…

  • Official #Mastodon server of the #Dutch government:

  • It's funny to some #Mastodon and Bluesky users that say (rightly so) "these are good numbers" with thousands+ new users come to their platforms per week but poo poo Meta with it's 70+ million with #Threads (which I don't have $0.02 on yet). If you don't care about your social network size, then not sure…

  • Mastodon: Join us it's not hard. Also Mastodon: Here's six links on how to pick a server, find friends, follow people, getting started & how you should act. That being said,I heard a good analogy from @davatron5000 on Shop Talk Show podcast: "#Mastodon is like a HOA (home owner's association) – you moved in and…

  • #Twitter is freaking out about #Tweetdeck, logins, and rate limits. #Mastodon is freaking out on Threads. #Bluesky… calm or poking fun, not up to freak levels yet. #Fediverse as a whole steady as she goes. No judgements here just observations.

  • Nice to see a few new faces here on #Mastodon. Also seeing faces and more follows on #Bluesky too. It's not THE #TwitterMigration but it's def. one!

  • Just a reminder: I share #WordPress news/links on (follow via RSS too). Iโ€™m at #Mastodon: Iโ€™m on #Bluesky:โ€ฆ

  • #Mastodon search (both for keywords and for users) is such a poor experience. I kinda of understand the challenges, but I would be following 2x as many people I think if i could get a decent search and be able to follow easily. For some, getting on board a social network (say away from Twitter)…

  • Looks like some Twitter folks trying #Mastodon and #Bluesky this weekend. Seeing more numbers on Bluesky and some more people I recognize there appear (still invite only). And looks like Bluesky performance issues have cleared up (all day yesterday was very slow but running like butter now, although it's 6am ET).

  • Reading @manton take on if/how #Mastodon #Fediverse should accept Meta (assuming if Meta ever gets to that point).

  • Good read. "Decentralization isn't enough. It's about people." via @ben "Decentralized protocols are infrastructure in the same way that servers are infrastructure. Nobody cares if a traditional social network is built on AWS or Google Cloud. What they care about is the community: can they follow people theyโ€™re interested in, can they engage in…

  • Not surprised the reaction to @gruber piece (actually more quoting Bloonface if anything) on #Mastodon growth (or lack of it) to be defensive, hostile, and rude. John and Bloonface (who's article I suggest you read) ideas all don't set completely ok with me. But much of the jist is worthy to consider. And this…

  • #Reddit #Twitter…and so on. Again, own your own content. #Mastodon and #ActivityPub are nowhere near perfect but those plus #RSS are net gains for an open web.