
  • “Developers spend time on little details and are super critical because we want the best.” @syedbalkhi #LoopConf

  • Encouraging people that upgrades are good and easy means not making them do any manual changes. @pippinsplugins #loopconf

  • People read theme/plugin change logs about as often as people read iTunes terms of service. #loopconf

  • Devs need to extend their own platform, so they’ll be breaking / testing their own code. @pippinsplugins #loopconf

  • WordPress Developers: You’ll marry your template files because they’ll be around forever. @pippinsplugins #loopconf

  • #1 key to backwards compatibility: Figure out the problem first, then code. Don’t start off coding immediately. @pippinsplugins #loopconf

  • .@pippinsplugins showing examples of how plugins broke backwards compatibility. Started w/ his own @eddwp. #loopconf

  • “WordPress devs need to get into the mindset that others extend your plugin or code.” @pippinsplugins #loopconf

  • “Avoid changing the names of functions. Create a wrapper function of the new name that calls the old function.” @pippinsplugins #loopconf

  • “A fundamental belief in WordPress community: our commitment to backward compatibility.” @pippinsplugins #loopconf

  • “We have attendees from every continent except Antarctica.” @ryandonsullivan #LoopConf

  • #LoopConf livestream: youtube.com/watch?t=7395&v…

  • Armchair WordCampers: #LoopConf starts in a few minutes w/ @ryandonsullivan starting it off. Livestream: loopconf.io/live/

  • Armchair WordCampers: @loopconf starts in about two hours. Monitor #loopconf and livestream on the site: loopconf.io/live/

  • Going to start a #loopconf “Can’t Sleep In But We Can Talk WordPress” Club. Starts at 6:00am at the Marrakesh Express.

  • ☑ Rise ☐ Shine #LoopConf

  • So #LoopConf attendees have been nick naming this 32oz water bottle swag the “bladder buster”.

  • Intersting: My @periscopeco stream of @jacklenox #loopconf talk had over 660 live viewers. It’s fully recorded, viewable via the app.

  • Sadly while building themes with javascript and REST API is nice, accessibility seems to be very difficult. @jacklenox #loopconf

  • .@LoopConf should probably have given helmets out as swag. Because alot of minds are going to be blown in the next few days. #loopconf

  • The #loopconf hotel is large & in the middle of nowhere. Hard to leave. If you’ve seen the tv show The Prisoner, it’s pretty much like that.

  • Another experimental WordPress theme using React. github.com/alexciarlillo/… #loopconf

  • Tango is a React powered WordPress theme prototype. github.com/kwight/tango @jacklenox #loopconf

  • Still streaming @jacklenox #loopconf talk of building WordPress themes with REST API. Hands… getting… tired… pscp.tv/w/Vyu01TczNzJ8…

  • ServiceWorkers is javascript for dealing with offline browsers. chromium.org/blink/servicew… @jacklenox #loopconf

  • If you have any interest in themes or the WordPress REST API, bookmark @jacklenox @github page github.com/jacklenox #loopconf

  • The @nytimes uses Angular on the fronted and WordPress on the backend. @jacklenox #loopconf

  • If you want to know about the REST API, i’m streaming @jacklenox #loopconf talk right now: pscp.tv/w/Vyu01TczNzJ8…

  • WordPress theme API called “Picard”. Uses local storage, all data is cached in browser. github.com/jacklenox/pica… @jacklenox #loopconf

  • LIVE on #Periscope: “Building Themes With The REST API” @jacklenox #loopconf pscp.tv/w/Vyu01TczNzJ8…