
  • Impressive crowd at #LoopConf this morning.

  • “WordPress promotes empathetic development. It’s global community is one of it’s best assets.” @stevenkword #LoopConf

  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test (have some fun with this tonight!) similarminds.com/jung.html @stevenkword #LoopConf

  • Internationalize! Plugin and theme developers: print this and post it on your wall. @stevenkword #LoopConf

  • No developer is less smart, just less experienced.@stevenkword #LoopConf

  • “You aren’t just writing code for today. You’re writing for the future. Assume people will want to extend your code” @stevenkword #LoopConf

  • #LoopConf so far in a nutshell.

  • “It’s important to set aside a few hours every week or month to learn a new tool or skill.” @zoe_rooney #loopconf

  • Full-featured Git integration for Sublime Text 2 and 3. sublimegit.net @zoe_rooney #LoopConf

  • Here’s a general site devoted to listing useful developer tools for working with WordPress. WPGear.org #LoopConf

  • If you are interested in Yeoman, here’s “YeoPress: A Yeoman Generator for WordPress” wesleytodd.com/2013/5/yeopres… #loopconf

  • If you want to like to learn more on Gulp: sitepoint.com/introduction-g… alistapart.com/blog/post/gett… youtube.com/watch?v=lRyRuQ… #LoopConf

  • A lightweight gulp plugin for live reloading after compiling: npmjs.com/package/gulp-l… @zoe_rooney #loopconf

  • .@zoe_rooney showcasing #Sass. “You don’t need to use all it’s features, use what you want.” #loopconf

  • “The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do.” B. F. Skinner #loopconf

  • .@mikeschinkel announces WPLib: A WordPress Foundation Library Agency and Internal Corporate Developers github.com/wplib #LoopConf

  • Theme code vs. MV* code: @mikeschinkel #LoopConf

  • Shinkel’s Law – Code Quality of WordPress themes/plugins is inversely proportional to how visually impressive it is. #LoopConf

  • If you liked @syedbalkhi #LoopConf talk, then check out his WordCamp talks too: wordpress.tv/speakers/syed-…

  • “Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.” @syedbalkhi #loopconf

  • “Strive toward progress and not perfection.” @syedbalkhi #LoopConf

  • Focus on the big picture. Feature-wise, follow the 80/20. @syedbalkhi #LoopConf

  • “Done is better then perfect.” @syedbalkhi #LoopConf

  • Set hard feature freezes when you launch a product, or else you’ll never launch. @syedbalkhi #loopconf

  • “Make sure your goals are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and are timely.” @syedbalkhi #LoopConf

  • .@wpbeginner current bounce rate is 40%. #loopconf

  • “Your business can’t scale or grow if you don’t exist, so you have to start somehow.” @syedbalkhi #LoopConf

  • Love @syedbalkhi “blue screen” of perfection truths. #LoopConf

  • “Understand and ACCEPT that perfection is a problem. You’ll never attain it.” @syedbalkhi #loopconf

  • “Hi. My name is @syedbalkhi and i’m a recovering perfectionist.” #LoopConf