What happens when most developers hear they need to work with WordPress multisite. #LoopConf
Multisite. If you get into a fetal position when you hear that, then @jeremyfelt talk is for you. loopconf.io/live #LoopConf
Surround yourself with inspiration and positive influences. If that isn’t immediately available, surround yourself with pizza. #LoopConf
.@bamadesigner needs inspirational music playing behind her. #LoopConf
Don’t take yourself too seriously. You can’t make a great omelet WordPress function w/o breaking a few eggs. @bamadesigner #LoopConf
.@bamadesigner talk is the equal of being wrapped in a nice warm blanket and being handed a cup of hot cocoa. #LoopConf
We struggle because we compare our blooper reel with everyone else’s greatest hits. @bamadesigner #LoopConf
Stand up for yourself… against yourself. But you don’t have to do this by yourself. @bamadesigner #LoopConf
Holy cow. I got quoted on @bamadesigner slide at #LoopConf. Fighting Imposter Syndrome RIGHT NOW and feeling honored.
Impostors Syndrome isn’t about “being shy”. It’s a real paralyzing fear based on unfounded thoughts. @bamadesigner #LoopConf
Thinking your code isn’t good enough can be destructive to your growth as a developer. @bamadesigner #LoopConf
Sharing your code means being active in your community. @bamadesigner #LoopConf
“Alot of developers wouldn’t be here if other developers didn’t publicly make their code available.” @bamadesigner #LoopConf
Suggestion for #LoopConf: Provide a suitcase to your attendees so we have a chance taking home all the swag. Also: unlimited bread sticks.
You should trust 3rd party APIs about as much as you trust Comcast to provide quality customer service. #LoopConf
.@MikeHansenMe mentions WP_Errors. @pippinsplugins has a nice review of that class. pippinsplugins.com/intro-to-wp-er… #LoopConf
If anyone at #LoopConf wants a free WordCamp Miami ticket, come see me. I won’t be able to help you, I’m just lonely and need the attention.
Microsoft is working hard to win over the open source community. The only way they could do more is if they could paint my house. #LoopConf
“We aren’t a wodden puppet, we are a real human being.” @cfowlerMSFT talking about Microsoft Azure at a WordPress conference. #LoopConf
20% of the sites running in Microsoft Azure are Linux. @cfowlerMSFT #loopconf
One point so far from @helenhousandi talk: WordPress Core handles alot for you, so you should investigate and stay updated. #LoopConf
Make sure to check out @helenhousandi repos and work at Github (github.com/helenhousandi) #LoopConf
WordPress Plugin Handbook: developer.wordpress.org/plugins/ WordPress Theme Handbook: developer.wordpress.org/themes/getting… @helenhousandi #loopconf
Aftermath of my interaction with @wpengine #sweetswag at #LoopConf. BURP.
LIVE on #Periscope: Taking the GoDaddy drone for a test drive. #LoopConf pscp.tv/w/VyznaTczNzJ8…
LIVE on #Periscope: Talking to GoDaddy #LoopConf pscp.tv/w/VyzmSzczNzJ8…
LIVE on #Periscope: Talking with WP Engine at #LoopConf pscp.tv/w/Vyzi2jczNzJ8…
wp-skeleton: Setups a new WordPress installation via Composer github.com/wpscholar/wp-s… @wpscholar #LoopConf
A custom Composer installer for WordPress core from @johnpbloch github.com/johnpbloch/wor… #LoopConf
Using Composer With WordPress roots.io/using-composer… @wpscholar #LoopConf