
  • What happens when most developers hear they need to work with WordPress multisite. #LoopConf

  • Multisite. If you get into a fetal position when you hear that, then @jeremyfelt talk is for you. loopconf.io/live #LoopConf

  • Surround yourself with inspiration and positive influences. If that isn’t immediately available, surround yourself with pizza. #LoopConf

  • .@bamadesigner needs inspirational music playing behind her. #LoopConf

  • Don’t take yourself too seriously. You can’t make a great omelet WordPress function w/o breaking a few eggs. @bamadesigner #LoopConf

  • .@bamadesigner talk is the equal of being wrapped in a nice warm blanket and being handed a cup of hot cocoa. #LoopConf

  • We struggle because we compare our blooper reel with everyone else’s greatest hits. @bamadesigner #LoopConf

  • Stand up for yourself… against yourself. But you don’t have to do this by yourself. @bamadesigner #LoopConf

  • Holy cow. I got quoted on @bamadesigner slide at #LoopConf. Fighting Imposter Syndrome RIGHT NOW and feeling honored.

  • Impostors Syndrome isn’t about “being shy”. It’s a real paralyzing fear based on unfounded thoughts. @bamadesigner #LoopConf

  • Thinking your code isn’t good enough can be destructive to your growth as a developer. @bamadesigner #LoopConf

  • Sharing your code means being active in your community. @bamadesigner #LoopConf

  • “Alot of developers wouldn’t be here if other developers didn’t publicly make their code available.” @bamadesigner #LoopConf

  • Suggestion for #LoopConf: Provide a suitcase to your attendees so we have a chance taking home all the swag. Also: unlimited bread sticks.

  • You should trust 3rd party APIs about as much as you trust Comcast to provide quality customer service. #LoopConf

  • .@MikeHansenMe mentions WP_Errors. @pippinsplugins has a nice review of that class. pippinsplugins.com/intro-to-wp-er… #LoopConf

  • If anyone at #LoopConf wants a free WordCamp Miami ticket, come see me. I won’t be able to help you, I’m just lonely and need the attention.

  • Microsoft is working hard to win over the open source community. The only way they could do more is if they could paint my house. #LoopConf

  • “We aren’t a wodden puppet, we are a real human being.” @cfowlerMSFT talking about Microsoft Azure at a WordPress conference. #LoopConf

  • 20% of the sites running in Microsoft Azure are Linux. @cfowlerMSFT #loopconf

  • One point so far from @helenhousandi talk: WordPress Core handles alot for you, so you should investigate and stay updated. #LoopConf

  • Make sure to check out @helenhousandi repos and work at Github (github.com/helenhousandi) #LoopConf

  • WordPress Plugin Handbook: developer.wordpress.org/plugins/ WordPress Theme Handbook: developer.wordpress.org/themes/getting… @helenhousandi #loopconf

  • Aftermath of my interaction with @wpengine #sweetswag at #LoopConf. BURP.

  • LIVE on #Periscope: Taking the GoDaddy drone for a test drive. #LoopConf pscp.tv/w/VyznaTczNzJ8…

  • LIVE on #Periscope: Talking to GoDaddy #LoopConf pscp.tv/w/VyzmSzczNzJ8…

  • LIVE on #Periscope: Talking with WP Engine at #LoopConf pscp.tv/w/Vyzi2jczNzJ8…

  • wp-skeleton: Setups a new WordPress installation via Composer github.com/wpscholar/wp-s… @wpscholar #LoopConf

  • A custom Composer installer for WordPress core from @johnpbloch github.com/johnpbloch/wor… #LoopConf

  • Using Composer With WordPress roots.io/using-composer… @wpscholar #LoopConf