ISH 2.0 is a viewport resizing tool for responsive design: bradfrost.com/demo/ish @zzramesses #LoopConf
RequireJS is a javascript that loads other javascript only when that code is needed. requirejs.org @zzramesses #LoopConf
Clients, here’s some truth: share buttons usually aren’t worth it. Your content is probably not going be shared. <sad trombone/> #LoopConf
Relevant: A good look at different media queries #css sitepoint.com/media-queries-… @zzramesses #LoopConf
Our media queries should all point in one direction (not the music group). @zzramesses #LoopConf
Designing for mobile devices is like picking furniture for a small one-bedroom apartment that you’re sharing with 6 other people. #LoopConf
Designing for the small screen means being more intentional about our design choices. @zzramesses #LoopConf
“In design, text is our #1 priority.” @zzramesses #loopconf
“Stop using filler text on sites, push your clients to give you real content. Stop thinking about content as filler.” @zzramesses #loopconf
“If ones want to put content out w/ WordPress, it’s our responsibly to ensure that everyone can get to that content.” @zzramesses #LoopConf
“Why are we worrying about how many people use IE8 when 20% of the world has an physical/mental impairment?” @zzramesses #LoopConf
“A responsive web is a responsible web.” @zzramesses #LoopConf
Armchair WordCampers: Watch the second day of @loopconf live at loopconf.io/live and follow #LoopConf. I’m doing more interviews too.
Still tasting the pizza rolls. #LoopConf
C o f f e e . . . #loopconf
Good steps @SiteGround #LoopConf
This is @rmccue way of asking for help in solving some of the REST API problems that are ahead. #LoopConf
“Although all the data that the REST API exposes is public, many people don’t realize this.” @rmccue #loopconf
OAuth 1.0a for the REST API needs to be used. Version 2 relies on SSL which 23% of the web doesn’t all have. @rmccue #loopconf
Learning about enveloping from @rmccue. It’s not a new dance or something you do in a Hallmark store. #LoopConf
“We want clients to expect the worse, but be pleased with the best.” @rmccue #LoopConf (My marriage advice in a nutshell.)
So if is_admin() is tricky, then I’m not holding much hope for the is_fat_free() function. #LoopConf
WPScan Vulnerability Database shows documented exploits in plugins, themes, etc. wpvulndb.com @ChrisWiegman #LoopConf
“Don’t assume the function you’re using is handling the security for you.” @ChrisWiegman #LoopConf
Don’t use file_get_contents(). Doesn’t verify SSL. wp_remote_post and wp_remote_get should be used instead. @ChrisWiegman #LoopConf
Query Monitor plugin allows you to see debug and performance info. wordpress.org/plugins/query-… @jeremyfelt #LoopConf
HyperDB is an advanced db class that supports replication, load balancing, etc. wordpress.org/plugins/hyperd… @jeremyfelt #LoopConf
WP Multi Network adds a Network Management UI for super admins: wordpress.org/plugins/wp-mul… @jeremyfelt #LoopConf
Mercator: WordPress multisite domain mapping. github.com/humanmade/merc… @jeremyfelt #LoopConf
Use wp-content/mu-plugins to automatically activate your code (runs on every page loads). @jeremyfelt #loopconf