
  • is_serialized() codex.wordpress.org/Function_Refer… maybe_serialized() codex.wordpress.org/Function_Refer… @nacin #loopconf

  • Double serialization is required, or else the world would end. @nacin #loopconf

  • “When hiring, If your employer asks if you have any questions, ask them if they turn on STRICT_ALL_TABLES in sql.” @nacin #loopconf

  • “The most secure piece of software doesn’t exist. The most usable is one with logins, users, etc.” @nacin #loopconf

  • “We can’t maintain all our plugins and code. Let it go to other developers who have that passion to maintain them.” @norcross #loopconf

  • Damn you, @norcross. Damn you. #loopconf

  • Handing your client source code is like handing a toddler the operations manual to your refrigerator. #loopconf

  • Refactoring code is like a marriage proposal – it’s awkward if you do it too early and don’t wait until it’s too late. #LoopConf

  • “Instead of building in features that users would never use, I should have added hooks and filters.” @norcross #loopconf

  • .@norcross plugin WordPress FAQ Manager (“it’s in dire need of attention”) github.com/norcross/WordP… #loopconf

  • Airplane Mode: WP plugin that disables external data calls and loading for local development. github.com/norcross/airpl… @norcross #loopconf

  • .@norcross is talking at #LoopConf… and it’s about Zen.

  • WordPress Media Core Developer Documentation (Google Doc) docs.google.com/document/d/1Tp… @ericandrewlewis #loopconf

  • .@ericandrewlewis Github page is chock full of WordPress coding goodness. github.com/ericandrewlewis #loopconf

  • WordPress plugin that enables a top-level admin page “Media Guide” in the backend from @ericandrewlewis github.com/ericandrewlewi… #loopconf

  • LIVE on #Periscope: Talking To SiteGround, Stealing Swag #LoopConf pscp.tv/w/Vy4jwjczNzJ8…

  • LIVE on #Periscope: Talking With Pantheon at #LoopConf pscp.tv/w/Vy4ijjczNzJ8…

  • LIVE on #Periscope: Talking With Duda at #LoopConf pscp.tv/w/Vy4gITczNzJ8…

  • @jeffr0 alas, you aren’t at #LoopConf though. :-/

  • Dangerously Set innerHTML doesn’t sound real, but in React it is: facebook.github.io/react/tips/dan… @nikolayb #loopconf

  • React dev tools for Chrome: chrome.google.com/webstore/detai… #LoopConf

  • Last day of #LoopConf. If anyone wants to talk BuddyPress (or WordCamps), let me know. 🙂

  • Facebook’s own Starter Kit for React: facebook.github.io/react/docs/get… #LoopConf

  • A collection of React libraries, resources and shiny things: github.com/enaqx/awesome-… #LoopConf

  • “It’s all about discovering when previous code that worked now failed – before the client does.” @chrislema #LoopConf

  • Note to self: start doing acceptance testing with my kids. #LoopConf

  • “We polled @crowdfavorite and 0% have perfect memory and can do impact analysis in their sleep.” @chrislema #LoopConf

  • Danger Zone: portion of a project where your profit is gone & you’re wondering how you got here. @chrislema #LoopConf

  • Great “what happens when…” circle chart from @chrislema #LoopConf

  • slowyapp.com – real-world connection simulator & bandwidth limiter @zzramesses #LoopConf