
  • RT @loopconf: You can watch all of the amazing #loopconf talks on this convenient YouTube playlist too: youtube.com/playlist?list=… Please reme…

  • The key to being a ‘catch machine’ is ‘predictability’ and following (recurring) money.” @asmartbear #loopconf

  • “The fallacy of doing what you ALREADY know how to do” @asmartbear #loopconf

  • If anyone wants to pick up any leftover swag at #loopconf for someone who’s name rhymes with “Ravid” let me know.

  • I envy @JJJ “looks like I could do math on a chalkboard at NASA” look. #loopconf

  • “Developers should design for the future by making their protocols extensible. @WooCommerce does this very well.” @JJJ #loopconf

  • “Developers should avoid writing big programs and should design programs built on top of users expected knowledge.” @JJJ #loopconf

  • My thing is popping bubblewrap. #loopconf

  • The way @JJJ says “TinyMCE” it sounds like an 80s Rapper. #loopconf

  • “WordPress is the Windows of the web (in the best possible way)” @JJJ #loopconf

  • Check out Stutter’s @github account run by @JJJ – small WordPress plugins: github.com/stuttter #loopconf

  • Armchair WordCampers: Catch the 2nd day of @loopconf with a free livestream: loopconf.com/live/ #loopconf

  • @redcrew yeah. not much travel this year. sticking w/ @wpcampusorg #wcorl #loopconf (Florida events) for the most part. 🙂

  • I’ve been to so many WordPress event firsts: #wcmia, #wctpa, #pressnomics, #loopconf, #wcus, etc. Now happy to add #wcjax to that list.

  • #loopconf was the 1st time my name was mentioned on a conference stage without a “you’re making a scene” following it.

  • @nacin i’ve attached a dust rag to the end of my #loopconf selfie-stick and now i have a DIY Swiffer® Sweeper.

  • Good to see imposter syndrome being covered at #wcnc2015. Was also covered fantastically here at #loopconf by @bamadesigner & others.

  • Someone is buying movie rights to WordPress 4.2 emoji “but it’s really a secret security fix” release. Not sure who plays @nacin. #LoopConf

  • Passed by a hotel room at #loopconf. Heard singing: “It’s all about the swag.. the swag… the swag…”

  • #LoopConf was awesome. Join me in thanking @ryandonsullivan and everyone for a great conference.

  • This is what nightmares are made of. #loopconf

  • @JJJ #loopconf

  • I like big WordPress plugins. I cannot lie. #loopconf

  • One of my favorite speakers @JJJ is closing out #loopconf now talking about big plugins.

  • “Grasshopper” : A WordPress.com REST API + D3.js example github.com/automattic/gra… @wirehead2501 #loopconf

  • Look at this and play Marvin Gaye’s “Let’s Get It On” in your head. #loopconf

  • WordPress APis – there are 2 of them. @wirehead2501 #loopconf

  • I smell a @nacin t-shirt, folks. #loopconf

  • “WordPress needs more evangelists that are excited about contributing to core.” @JohnONolan #loopconf

  • Basic human needs, in order of priorities. @JohnONolan #loopconf