Video: Out of the mouths of babes: “ I plan on encouraging the rest of my fifth grade class to use WordPress.” #KidsPanel #WCMIA
It’s a great feeling to see so many young women up on the stage, getting into computer science. Great @wordcampmiami #KidsPanel. Thanks to @professadiva954 for putting this on. #WCMIA
“#WordPress makes it easy to make quick changes, and you don’t have to pay a developer all the time. It’s kind of shocking that more youths aren’t using it.” #KidsPanel #WCMIA
Listen to how @lemonadecode explain in her own words what she and other kids does with #WordPress. #KidsPanel #WCMIA
“#WordPress has inspired me to get into computer science in college. I want to learn how to code and with WP you can easily see how P?HP and coding works.” #KidsPanel #WCMIA
Elementary kids using #WordPress for robotic competitions and posting updates on their own websites. #KidsPanel #WCMIA
Elementary school kids talking about how they use #WordPress – mostly for blogs and science projects. #KidsPanel #WCMIA
“#WordPress allows kids to build simple sites, stores, and even for science projects.” #KidsPanel #WCMIA