
  • RT @zgordon: A big thanks to @kinsta! Our first sponsor for this year’s #JSforWPConf Kinsta provides premium managed WordPress hosting; po…

  • RT @zgordon: Sneak Peak 😉 #JSforWPConf Speaker submissions are open – javascriptforwp.com/conference/

  • RT @zgordon: Excited to Announce the 2nd Annual JavaScript for WordPress Conference – July 11-13th 2019 – #JSforWPConf This year will feat…

  • Tips from @rzen on training dev teams: 👉🏻 Discuss the skills you want to learn and priorities. 👉🏻 Document processes, esp. for clients 👉🏻 Adopt similar tools. 👉🏻 Plan for exploration, otherwise you’re selling yourself short. crowdcast.io/e/js-for-wp-co… #JSforWPConf

  • “Don’t just BUILD a thing… learn as much as possible about the problem first. Then, solve it in a way that reduces complexity and minimizes risk.” @rzen #JSforWPConf

  • That disturbance in the force you are feeling is @rzen getting ready to talk about Training Teams “Deeply” (ouch, that sounds painful) on the life #JSforWPConf livestream: javascriptforwp.com/conference

  • If you are following #JSForWPConf, you can follow @ataylorme talk on the benefits of testing and automation here on YouTube now live: youtube.com/watch?v=kOAko5…

  • .@jasonbahl shows off a “Hello World” example of a #GraphQL query and query results in #JSForWPConf javascriptforwp.com/conference

  • Interesting: 2 billion people are running “progressive web app” capable mobile browsers. @mehigh #JSforWPConf

  • Nice definition of what is a “Progressive Web App” and what it doesn’t need to be, from @mehigh, streaming live at javascriptforwp.com/conference. #JSforWPConf

  • Kudos to @zgordon “JavaScript For WordPress” online conference. Over 770 people are actively watching either tracks this morning. javascriptforwp.com/conference/ #JSForWPConf

  • It’s important to properly stretch (or wave your hands like you just don’t care) before diving into #JavaScript. javascriptforwp.com/conference/ #JSForWPConf

  • .@zgordon starts off the #JavaScript For WordPress conference. Either that or he’s rapping an intense set. #JSForWPConf