A “simple presentation template” in #CSS and #jQuery. codyhouse.co/gem/presentati…
Quick[select] turns <SELECT> options into clickable buttons with a traditional <SELECT> as a fallback. #css #jquery davidwalsh.name/quick-select
Auto-filling Forms with #jQuery and the Web Storage API sitepoint.com/auto-filling-f… #HTML5
youmightnotneedjquery.com #jquery
FullCalendar is a full-sized, drag & drop calendar that fetches events on the fly. arshaw.com/fullcalendar/ #jQuery
Nice tutorial on how to crop images with jCrop: mrbool.com/jquery-crop-cr… #jQuery
Google Plus Style Notification Box Tutorial bit.ly/Ppmbvn #jQuery
nonScroller.js mimics OSX Lion’s thin scrollbar: bit.ly/sEc18H #jQuery