Detect Caps Lock with #JavaScript
It was a simpler time. #webdev #memes #JavaScript #jQuery
Why I 🧡 the web. Pong Wars. It's a single #HTML file: #JavaScript
TIOBE Index for January 2024 "Compared to January 2023, #JavaScript climbed to 6th, #PHP to 7th, and C# remains 5th." #programming #coding
Listening to a #JSParty episode about #HTMX. Learning about it for the first time, but based on all the hate i'm seeing from #JavaScript folks on #Mastodon about it, it's worth seeing that this is. #podcast #webdev
props-bot-action ( WordPress/props-bot-action )
A GitHub Action for compiling a list of contributor props. Created by WordPress on Jan 09, 2024.
Hover-Contrast-Bookmarklet ( joedolson/Hover-Contrast-Bookmarklet )
Bookmarklet to trigger hover states and check contrast Created by joedolson on Jan 14, 2024.
In-browser code playgrounds (running language runtimes in the browser) (including #PHP #JavaScript #Ruby and #python demos). via @antonz #code #webdev
Why I 🧡 the web (and coding): Someone shared how they cleaned up their 200GB #iCloud with some #JavaScript. Someone then made a TamperMonkey script:
"A lot of what people use #React for would be better handled with vanilla #JavaScript."
schedule-x ( schedule-x/schedule-x )
Material design event calendar and date picker Created by schedule-x on Jul 15, 2023.
Interesting: An #opensource calendar based on #Google calendar. #JavaScript #TypeScript
Blot ( davidmerfield/Blot )
Turns a folder into a blog Created by davidmerfield on Jan 29, 2016.
heynote ( heyman/heynote )
A dedicated scratchpad for developers Created by heyman on Dec 28, 2022.
This is kinda cool. Generate a snake game from a #github user contributions graph and output a screen capture as animated SVG of GIF #TypeScript #JavaScript
Rough.js creates graphics "with a hand-drawn, sketchy, appearance". Works w/ Canvas and #SVG. #JavaScript
Deep Cloning Objects in #JavaScript, the Modern Way
ScrollyVideo.js allows responsive scrollable videos "without obscure video encoding requirements". Compatible with #React, #Svelte, Vue, and plain HTML. #JavaScript
If you work in #frontend coding and want some reading material over any upcoming break about some things missed in 2023 this might be nice: "Friday Front-End’s Top Links of 2023" #JavaScript #CSS #HTML
"Vanilla #JavaScript doesn't scale " via @chrisferdinandi "…it’s not just reinventing the wheel, and anyone who says that [JS doesn't scale] has no idea what they’re actually talking about." #development #react
A new method to validate URLs in #JavaScript (2023 edition)
"You don't need #JavaScript for that." "Choose the least powerful language suitable for a given purpose… On the web this means preferring HTML over #CSS, and then CSS over JS."
In reply to @davidbisset. To be clear, I said "foundation". So much growth over that newbie 20 years ago (when i started in ASP which is also gone) and it's been fun and challenging keeping up with the innovation on the web. But 20 years ago if you told me I would still be coding…
Thought by 2023 I'd be forced away from foundations of HTML #PHP #JavaScript #CSS (and #WordPress). A partial list of "hot and need to learn to survive" things over the past 20 years that didn't derail me: – Flash/ActionScript– ColdFusion– Ruby on Rails– (Countless JS "frameworks" that mostly don't exist today)– Go– JAMSTACK– React– AMP–…
Web Components Eliminate #JavaScript Framework Lock-in via @jakelazaroff #React
#Developers: Sqids (pronounced "squids") is an #opensource lib that lets you generate YouTube-looking short (and collision free) IDs from numbers. Example: #PHP #Dart #JavaScript #Python
"The Definitive Guide to Date and Time in #JavaScript"
A list of useful, not-obvious hacks to get the most out of your browser’s1 debugger. Assumes an intermediate-level-or-higher understanding of the developer tools. #Developers #Coding #JavaScript
This is cool tool for front-end #developers: A small bookmarklet for measuring line lengths on a page. #JavaScript
Changing Colors in an #SVG Element Using #CSS and #JavaScript