
  • "How I made a 1K #Pinball Game in #JavaScript"

  • bluesky ( merill/bluesky )

    Crowd sourced database of the Microsoft community on Bluesky. Created by merill on Nov 07, 2024.

  • "I don't have time to learn #React" via "In my humble opinion, doing some (or all) of learning the fundamentals will put you in a much better position than spending that time less effectively. You don't have time to learn React (by all means learn enough to get that bag), so learn something…

  • How to Create an Organic Text Distortion Effect with Infinite Scrolling "Learn how to create an organic distortion effect for text using #JavaScript and #CSS for a unique, fluid animation." #frontend

  • "We converted Super #Mario Bros. 3 physics code into #javascript to make it easier to study… and made a demo people could play with." You can play with the demo yourself here, Read the code and all the details here: #programming #games #gamephysics

  • List of mathematical symbols with their #JavaScript equivalent. #webdev

  • #JavaScript dos and dont's. Tips and best practices. #webdev "Start with only #HTML, then progressively enhance it, so it can still work without JavaScript. A table can be pure HTML; a sortable table needs only a dash of JavaScript."

  • micro-survivors ( SkaceKamen/micro-survivors )

    Created by SkaceKamen on Oct 16, 2024.

  • Untitled post 59836

    Why I 🧡 the web. "micro-survivors" is a tiny survivors-like game that fits under 14 kB of minified #JavaScript code. #webdev Play:

  • This is awesome. Why I 🧡 the web,. "Generating Random #Mazes with #JavaScript" made a random maze generator and shows you how it was done. #puzzle #programming

  • "Successful Web Development Is Boring Web Development" "We celebrate… new HTML/CSS and JavaScript frameworks… when instead we should celebrate using vanilla HTML/CSS and #JavaScript, and maximizing use of existing frameworks." #webdev #frontend

  • How we shrunk our #JavaScript monorepo #git size by 94%

  • "RIP vanilla #JavaScript" "A #Google engineer presented a proposal to the official standardization committee that would split JavaScript into two languages".

  • Untitled post 59801

    How to Make a “Scroll to Select” Form Control #CSS #JavaScript

  • Why I 🧡 the web. Someone made a #Sonic like runner game in #JavaScript (works best in Chrome but works in FF too). #Kaplay

  • erin ( will-moss/erin )

    Self-hostable TikTok feed for your clips. Make a TikTok feed with your own videos Created by will-moss on Jun 27, 2024.

  • Untitled post 59777

    Erin is a simple and #selfhost service that enables you to view your own #video clips "using #TikTok well-known vertical swipe feed". #JavaScript #opensource #React

  • Send: #opensource fork of #Firefox Send #filesharing #JavaScript

  • The State of ES5 on the Web #JavaScript #webdev

  • Bookmarking to read later: "Debouncing vs Throttling in #JavaScript: When and Why You Should Use Them"

  • vscode-web-visual-editor ( urin/vscode-web-visual-editor )

    Edit HTML files visually. Created by urin on Aug 19, 2024.

  • Tenno is a web app that lets you create #Markdown documents that can include computational cells. "You can think of it as a mix of Word and #Excel". #JavaScript

  • TinyJS ( victorqribeiro/TinyJS )

    Tiny JS is a lightweight JavaScript utility for dynamically creating HTML elements Created by victorqribeiro on Sep 06, 2024.

  • TinyJS is a lightweight #JavaScript library for dynamically creating #HTML elements "with deep property assignment". Uses $ and $$() to select elements from the DOM.

  • qrframe – generate beautiful QR codes with #javascript code.

  • simple-icons-website ( simple-icons/simple-icons-website )

    The website for Simple Icons: SVG icons for popular brands Created by simple-icons on Dec 26, 2020.

  • Bookmarking to read later: "How I won $2,750 using #JavaScript, AI, and a can of WD-40" via @davekiss

  • Generating Unique Random Numbers In #JavaScript Using Sets

  • Reading: #PHP is the Next #JavaScript #Laravel

  • clipshare ( goshops-com/clipshare )

    An incredibly simple, open-source alternative to Loom that only requires S3-compatible storage—no servers needed Created by goshops-com on Aug 21, 2024.