
  • Never noticed the work (on a nice concept) being done on placeholders in the #Gutenberg plugin (14.0?) on it’s way to #WordPress editor. From:…

  • “Can we please stop saying ‘#Gutenberg’?” (via @fklux at @humanmadeltd)… Maybe group this along w/ the “capital P” and “#WordPress .com vs. org” conversations.

  • “Air Light” is a #WordPress Starter Theme that weights under 20 KB, supports ACF and #Gutenberg.…

  • New #Gutenberg 13.7 allows one to add and edit templates for Custom posts types and taxonomies, plus “time to read” stat, update the modal design. etc. #WordPress…

  • What’s new in #Gutenberg 13.6: display patterns when creating a #WordPress custom post type, more template types in the editor, new/improved UI and theme.json engine. It’s a floor wax AND a desert topping (if you get the reference let me know).…

  • RT @pluginize: Wanna know the coolest thing about our #WordPress #plugin Custom Post Type UI Extended? New #Gutenberg Block!…

  • Lightweight Accordion plugin for #WordPress: add collapse elements to posts using a #Gutenberg block or a shortcode.(via @cristianraiber)…

  • #Gutenberg 13.4: Support for button elements in theme.json, sidebar design updates, performance improvements. 25 enhancements and 30 bug fixes. #WordPress…

  • Finally coming back to this. Not surprised on the results, although the question could have been a little clearer. But judging by votes and the DMs most think #WordPress would be about the same or lower marketshare w/o #Gutenberg in core. Nothing earth shattering here. I agree.…

  • Video: #Gutenberg roadmap for #WordPress 6.1 (via @get_dave)…

  • On increasing: #WordPress marketshare growth: “I believe #Gutenberg in Drupal can be a success. It’s already getting into @Tumblr. I think Gutenberg could be more important than #WordPress.” @photomatt #WCEU #WCEU2022

  • “In our approach in #Gutenberg you can create a better interface in #JavaScript then loading a page (with #PHP).” @photomatt But PHP isn’t going away, especially in the backend. #WCEU #WCEU2022 #WordPress

  • “In terms of more options… I would say that we really are trying to get folks a lot of options in #Gutenberg. Fundemental to the idea that there’s flexiblity. #WordPress defaults however should be great and have accessiblity in mind.” @photomatt #WCEU #WCEU2022

  • “I think adding multi-language to #WordPress in #Gutenberg phase 4 will be more complex than anything previous, including adding blocks.” @photomatt #WCEU #WCEU2022

  • “I would like to set expectations for phase 4 #Gutenberg – multilanguage support – 2024 or 2025.” @photomatt #WCEU #WCEU2022

  • “Why wait until #Gutenberg phase 4 for translations / languages? We need to make coding/design decisions in the #WordPress platform today.” #WCEU #WCEU2022

  • “#Gutenberg and full site editing in #WordPress provides a common language so people can focus on building.” @nerrad #WCEU #WCEU2022

  • “We are still in a transition” says @nerrad. “With #Gutenberg we are seeing a shift where the first experience for #WordPress stores and sites is #nocode without losing the customizing factor.” #WCEU #WCEU2022

  • @_jmichaelward @Josh412 I don’t write long form in the new editor, but i didn’t in the classic days either. With #Gutenberg it’s specifically made to work with Markdown, Google, and Word formatting so you could copy and paste – so that makes me glad.

  • #Gutenberg 13.2: new API to save editor preferences on the server, visual guides for padding and margins, and improvements to the Comment block.… #WordPress

  • How to create block visibility extension for #Gutenberg.… #WordPress

  • Example #WordPress plugin demonstrating how to integrate #Tailwind with the @wordpress/create-block script. #CSS #Gutenberg…

  • New #Gutenberg 12.9 has a new block locking UI, easier building of block themes, easier management of deeply nested block structures, performance improvements, etc.… #WordPress

  • Creating a dummy content generator for #WordPress block editor #Gutenberg (via @gutenberghub)…

  • RT @Lana_Miro: We’ve just released #WordPress theme builder for #Gutenberg – JetThemeCore. If anyone wants to test this out, please drop me…

  • The Museum of Block Art (MOBA) is a thing now. “from community members that seeks to inspire creativity and push the limits around what can be done with #WordPress.”… #Gutenberg

  • Latest new #Gutenberg 12.7 release makes patterns easier to discover, list view improvements, more enhancements, fixes, and new APIs. #WordPress…

  • Quick look at style presets and customization in the #Gutenberg plugin, including possiblities w/ upcoming fonts API.… #WordPress

  • @tcan1337 “#WordPress of the future” – that was I think the #Gutenberg reveal year for #WCMIA. I’ll send you a picture of the poster that we made too you’ll love it.

  • So @10up has a collection of #WordPress block components including a Content Picker and an IsAdmin wrapper.… #Gutenberg