
  • gutenblock ( zackify/gutenblock )

    The easiest way to develop and release Gutenberg blocks (components) for WordPress Created by zackify on Apr 13, 2018.

  • meetup-event-gutenberg-block ( dainelmawer/meetup-event-gutenberg-block )

    :two_men_holding_hands: Gutenberg Meetup Block Created by dainelmawer on Mar 11, 2018.

  • coblocks ( godaddy-wordpress/coblocks )

    A suite of professional page building content blocks for the WordPress Gutenberg block editor. Created by godaddy-wordpress on Apr 10, 2018.

  • gutenberg-ramp ( Automattic/gutenberg-ramp )

    Control conditions under which Gutenberg loads – either from your theme code or from a UI Created by Automattic on Mar 01, 2018.

  • color-palette-block ( lubusIN/color-palette-block )

    🎨 Helps you quickly create & share color palettes on your website – Created by lubusIN on Mar 29, 2018.

  • acf-gutenberg ( iantsch/acf-gutenberg )

    Render Advanced Custom Field Groups in Gutenberg Editor. Created by iantsch on Dec 18, 2017.

  • create-guten-block ( ahmadawais/create-guten-block )

    📦 A zero-configuration #0CJS developer toolkit for building WordPress Gutenberg block plugins. Created by ahmadawais on Dec 20, 2017.

  • gutenberg ( WordPress/gutenberg )

    The Block Editor project for WordPress and beyond. Plugin is available from the official repository. Created by WordPress on Feb 03, 2017.

  • wd_s ( WebDevStudios/wd_s )

    A starter theme from WebDevStudios. Created by WebDevStudios on Feb 15, 2014.

  • New #Gutenberg 15.0. 👉🏻 Block inspector tab experiment “stabilized” (was it going to explode?) 👉🏻 New “Sticky” position block support 👉🏻 Sidebar/frame resizing 👉🏻 Copy/cut shortcuts work in the #WordPress editor! 🎉…

  • Interesting: #WordPress plugin that uses ChatGPT to "to make content writing journey smooth” (a little hard to tell but looks like it add AI text and a custom #Gutenberg block).

  • #WordPress 6.2 planning schedule proposal might put the version out for a general release near the end of March 2023 and include up to #Gutenberg 15.1. #PHP

  • RT @DjevaLoperka: Unit tests for #Gutenberg blocks anyone? It’s not meant for that purpose but Style Book feature (probably in core with…

  • New #Gutenberg is out with: – a new, reorganized Site Editor interface– ability to add custom #CSS rules– new Style Book feature that allows users and designers to view and edit all blocks for global changes. #WordPress

  • New #Gutenberg is out with: – a new, reorganized Site Editor interface – ability to add custom #CSS rules – new Style Book feature that allows users and designers to view and edit all blocks for global changes.… #WordPress

  • More firsts on the custom tax in the #WordPress repo (at least for me): Classic Editor unsurprisingly gets “Community Plugin". #Gutenberg gets the same but w/ a “Contribute” link. Jetpack gets “Commercial” and “Support” link that goes to their website. Few labeled now but as said in #StateOfTheWord things just getting started.

  • Phase 3 of #Gutenberg: Significant improvements to post provisions UI in #WordPress. You can more easily see the history of how pages evolved over time. @photomatt #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • Phase 3 of #Gutenberg: Making #WordPress “multi-player”. Real time collab like Google Docs. Share a draft of a theme or webpage with a special invite, allowing “commenting”. @photomatt #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • Canonical pugins are so important “will be blessed” and examples would be #Gutenberg, importers for #WordPress – will get “core security” support. @photomatt #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • #Gutenberg Zen Mode in #WordPress. @photomatt #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • #Gutenberg Zen Mode in #WordPress. @photomatt #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • #Gutenberg is now in @Tumblr – 99% of it is hidden. You can skin Gutenberg to get all the benefits. We hope to create an open block standard for any platform. @photomatt #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • #Gutenberg is now in @Tumblr – 99% of it is hidden. You can skin Gutenberg to get all the benefits. We hope to create an open block standard for any platform. @photomatt #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • Moible #Gutenberg is now dual-licensed (GPL and MPL) which can be easily embedded in applications. @photomatt #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • #Gutenberg appearing in #Laravel based applications now. @photomatt #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • #Gutenberg blocks in #WordPress support now. @photomatt #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • Two new #WordPress plugins that improve a bit the experience of creating accessible content w/ #Gutenberg

  • RT @jdmweb: Been toying around automatic #WordPress #Gutenberg block generation for some time now, but wasn’t happy with displaying forms i…

  • New #Gutenberg 14.6 for #WordPress adds a variation picker to group block placholder, list-based editing to nav block, updating focial point handle design, etc.…

  • The “#Gutenberg Interactive Fiction Engine” from @artemiosans allows “choose your own adventure” content in #WordPress.… Early stages. On Github:… (h/t @post_status)