
  • You can save blocks and reuse them later. Sounds plain but seeing it in action is cool. @matias_ventura #Gutenberg #StateOfTheWord #WCUS

  • .@matias_ventura) showing off “latest post” block in #Gutenberg that updates lives. #StateOfTheWord @WordCampUS #WCUS

  • Changing the image and media settings in #Gutenberg (via @matias_ventura) is very impressive. #StateOfTheWord @WordCampUS #WCUS

  • In a hurry to see what #Gutenberg can do? Use the demo in the menu bar. #StateOfTheWord #WCUS @matias_ventura

  • So far the live demo of #Gutenberg via @matias_ventura is going smoothly. #WCUS

  • .@matias_ventura doing a live demo of #Gutenberg at #StateOfTheWord at @wordcampus #WCUS

  • #Gutenberg has been the longest-running major feature development #WordPress we’ve ever had. @photomatt #StateOfTheWord #WCUS

  • #Gutenberg might be including an image slider feature, since it’s being requested and expected. @GetSource #WCUS

  • “In the old days, themes shipped with their own customizer but they migrated their features into the official WordPress customizer. Could also happen w/ #Gutenberg blocks.” @mor10 #wcus

  • “Plugin developers should naturally build on top of #Gutenberg but there’s still room making custom items.” @mor10 #WCUS

  • “#Gutenberg separates design from content at the block level.” @mor10 #wcus

  • Somebody just saw #Gutenberg from the future. #WCUS

  • “#Gutenberg isn’t a page builder killer IMO, I think it opens those apps to create and build whole new things.” @mor10 #WCUS

  • “We might have to draw a line at some point and offer the #Gutenberg experience or a ‘classic’ experience.” @mor10 #WCUS

  • “The web has been confined to a square screen but #Gutenberg has ability to take us to the whole view and everything.” @mor10 #wcus

  • “Right now we have content block in an editor, but the next step for #Gutenberg is to take over the whole page.” @mor10 #WCUS

  • “#Gutenberg was NEVER AN EDITOR REPLACEMENT. It’s more like #WordPress trying to become actual WYSIWYG,” @mor10 #WCUS

  • More on @woocommerce experiments with #Gutenberg mentioned by @mor10… #WCUS

  • “#Gutenberg And The Ship Of Theseus” mentioned by @mor10… #WCUS

  • “Editing in #Gutenberg is a new way in editing in #WordPress because of the block system.” @mor10 #WCUS

  • .@mor10 is showing off “new and unique” aspects of #Gutenberg at @WordCampUS. #WCUS

  • .@mor10 recalling @photomatt in 2014 talking about the early concept of #gutenberg at end of State of the Word. #WCUS

  • Final talk of the day – @mor10 tackles “#Gutenberg And The Web of Tomorrow”. #WCUS

  • Now ready for @mor10 talk on #Gutenberg. Stand by for the tweets. #wcus

  • .@biancawelds does the sign for “Mango”. Next going to ask her how to say “#Gutenberg” and see what happens. #WCUS

  • #gutenberg testing booth is interesting. Surveys and examples take and more. #WCUS

  • #gutenberg testing area at #wcus. I’ll be back to offer my wonder feedback.

  • Screen reader user experiences with #Gutenberg…

  • #Gutenberg Log, Stardate: Today Improvements to support more plugin opportunities, allowing templates, mobile improvements, etc.…

  • What’s New in #Gutenberg? (15th November)…