
  • Will people play it safe and avoid #Gutenberg? “We’ll keep an eye on the numbers but not the worst thing in the world if classic editor is still being used in August.” @photomatt #WCEU

  • .@JosephaHaden asks @photomatt about his most exciting #Gutenberg feature: “copy and paste – i enjoy writing from different environment and that’s helpful for me.” #WCEU

  • Here’s the full #WordPress #Gutenberg roadmap in one shot announced by @photomatt at @WCEurope #WCUS

  • Also: full #Gutenberg mobile apps of by the end of the year. @photomatt #WCEU

  • #Gutenberg roadmap: August and Beyond: – All critical issues resolved. – Integration w/ Calypso – 100k+ sites making 250k+ posts with Gutenberg – Merge into core, beginning 5.0 release cycle @photomatt #WCEU

  • #Gutenberg roadmap: July: – 4.9.x. release with “strong invite” to install. – Opt-out for wp-admin users on – Bug triage – Exploring “beyond the post” into site customization. @photomatt #WCEU

  • #Gutenberg roadmap: June: – freezing new features. – Inviting hosts, agencies, and teachers to opt-in. (Including wp-admin users for – mobile apps @photomatt #WCEU

  • #Gutenberg Ramp plugin adds a settings screen where you can enable Gutenberg selectively (for specific post types).… @photomatt #WCEU

  • “Ultimately i think we will rebuild in React, although it’s not a top priority and it now works well enough with #Gutenberg.” @roundearth #WCEU

  • wp.hooks in #Gutenberg aims to be the equal to WordPress hooks in PHP. @roundearth #WCEU

  • Some #Gutenberg modules are already available on npm in beta form.… @roundearth #WCEU

  • @wpgraphql @DavidWolfpaw I’ll let @DavidWolfpaw answer this in depth, but IMO the difference between compatible and “made/ready for” #Gutenberg. The later is an improved or customized experience and the former means it simply won’t break the theme.

  • Malik is “a mobile-first, #Gutenberg ready #WordPress theme” based on the _s starter theme, from @DavidWolfpaw…

  • #Gutenberg 3.0 🍠 has been recently released. Support for child blocks, inserter redesign w/ collapsible panels, publish panels support for plugins, bug fixes, and a changelog a mile long. #WordPress…

  • Block Background #WordPress plugin extends #Gutenberg blocks “with additional background options”…

  • Interesting #Gutenberg plugin: create & share color palette on your site…

  • Nice #Gutenberg series at @Real_CSS_Tricks from @laras126 @hankchizljaw especially if you haven’t been following it deeply yet.…

  • A #Gutenberg-Powered #WordPress Theme from @ThemeShaper called ‘Music’:… Open source:… Demo:

  • WordPress #Gutenberg folks: new 2.9 🍂 version is out introducing a Plugin API, API support improvements, shortcut tooltips, bug fixes, etc.…

  • #WordPress devs: a new #Gutenberg and the REST API update today:…

  • is a “suite of page builder #Gutenberg blocks for publishers, writers and content marketers”…

  • How to use external #React components in your #Gutenberg blocks (via @cssigniter)…

  • Gutenberg Object Plugin: “save #Gutenberg data as an array in the database which is accessible via the REST API.”…

  • @davidlaietta @ChrisWiegman @redcrew @EricMann Basically if wrote most any code before 1.5 or 1.7 you had to rewrite it. Major growth spurts. Think of what #Gutenberg is going through now. BuddyPress has the liberty of going “live” with this happening because the use base was much much smaller.

  • @davidlaietta @ChrisWiegman @redcrew @EricMann #Gutenberg has been a gateway to #React which I’ve always wanted to get into. Not a rush for G but I’ll play with it. Me avoiding it completely means not being able to have conversations about it or lay out a roadmap for my plugins to eventuallly adopt it.

  • New #Gutenberg 2.8 🌌 out today: spacer block for visual space, accessibility & color palette improvements, server side rendering component, and stuff.…

  • If you use Meetup and interested in a possible #Gutenberg plugin for #WordPress, tada:…

  • On : @swissspidy talks about #JavaScript Internationalization, #Gutenberg, and bringing a JavaScript I18N API to WordPress.…

  • A beginner’s guide to #JavaScript in #Gutenberg…

  • If you’re a #WordPress developer into #Gutenberg then might want to check out @webdevstudios library of Gutenberg blocks:…