
  • “It natural to stick your head into your sand when it comes to something new like #Gutenberg. Lots of content, thinking, technical and organizational challenges.” @BrianDeConinck @ncsumarit #WPCampus

  • “#Gutenberg is fine, but it’s also not fine.” @BrianDeConinck @ncsumarit might have the most entertaining slides at #WPCampus

  • “We thought #Gutenberg was coming long time down the road, but we weren’t expecting the Gutenbomb so soon.” @BrianDeConinck @ncsumarit #WPCampus

  • That’s alot of Guten. #Gutenberg @BrianDeConinck @ncsumarit #WPCampus

  • Learning a bit about #Gutenberg at tonight’s WordPress meet up. #wpmia

  • Heading toward the WordPress Meetup at Davie, FL. On tonight’s agenda: how kids in grade school can WordPress, 🍕, and “headless #Gutenberg” isn’t a creature in the next Goosebumps movie.…

  • If you run a #WordPress meetup, this is a good month to let them know about the “Try #Gutenberg” alert. Good video from @mor10 to include:…

  • WordPress plugin that adds a “tile” Layout block for #Gutenberg.…

  • RT @royboy789: I updated my #Gutenberg Object Plugin with some cool new functionality I added in for a build. If you want to go #headless G…

  • Tomorrow: specific meeting hosted by Hosting Community to help prepare hosting support teams for the launch of #Gutenberg (such as developing docs).…

  • RT @AtomicBlocks: Liftoff! The Atomic Blocks WordPress theme for #Gutenberg is now available at! Beautiful styles f…

  • Interested in helping with #Gutenberg “bug gardening” and labeling? @designsimply would love help and feedback:…

  • My wishes for @WordCampUS this year: – A “quiet area” – A coffee area – A “we promise not to talk about #Gutenberg or recent acquisitions” area. #WCUS

  • Nice to see #Gutenberg at other non-WordPress CMS events. Miguel Fonseca from @automattic at #drupaldevdays in Lisbon on “Rethinking content creation”.……

  • With today’s #Gutenberg release, here’s a reminder on July’s roadmap (accurate at the time of @photomatt #WCEU update).

  • #Gutenberg 3.2 🥚 is out 👉 Inline Images & Inline Blocks API. 👉 Convert Columns to parent/child blocks. 👉 Allow new block categories. 👉 New Modal component 👉 File Block for uploading and listing docs 👉 Lots of 🐛fixes…

  • #WordPress 4.9.7 Release Main Schedule (as of now): – Beta: July 17, 2018 – RC: July 24, 2018 – Final Release: July 31, 2018 Will include “introduction of the Try #Gutenberg callout”.…

  • Reading in context: “The Demand for #Gutenberg Is Not There. Yet.” @tommcfarlin…

  • Watching progress on embedding #Gutenberg in Calypso (something mentioned by @photomatt at #WCEU keynote):…

  • RT @10up: Learn about SketchPress: our open source #WordPress admin library for @sketchapp. We’ve added full support for #Gutenberg, and it…

  • #Gutenberg 3.1 🥦 Update: 👉Tips Interface For New Users 👉Allow Transforming Of Paragraphs Blocks Into Single Quote Blocks 👉Mobile block toolbar polish 👉Accessibly improvements 👉Lot of bug fixes and polish.…

  • RT @mor10: Are you a @reactjs developer? How #WordPress and the #Gutenberg project uses #reactjs, and how it solves #accessibility issues,…

  • “The State of #Gutenberg and #WordPress Themes” from theme developer @spencerfinnell:…

  • I forced a bot to watch all the @WCEurope videos and then asked it to write an WordCamp summary of its own. Here is the first page: #Gutenberg #Gutenberg #Gutenberg #Gutenberg #GDPR #Gutenberg #Gutenberg “Hot Chicken” #Gutenberg #Gutenberg “You Have To Accept My Cookie” #WCEU

  • .@matias_ventura is showing off nice smooth Markdown conversion in #Gutenberg, as @photomatt was mentioning yesterday. Like butter. #WCEU

  • Nested blocks look nice once you see them in practice. “We built the intrastructure into current #Gutenberg and you can use these for your own blogs.” @matias_ventura #WCEU

  • Video of @matias_ventura demoing the (currently experimental) #Gutenberg columns block. #WCEU

  • “When you are figuring out how you should structure a #Gutenberg block, think about the user experience first and best way to deal with user data.” @matias_ventura #WCEU

  • “#Gutenberg blocks in WordPress are like a higher order of HTML. You can lift up a block, manipulate content, then it goes back down/away.” @matias_ventura #WCEU

  • “#Gutenberg, or the Ship of Theseus” post mentioned by @matias_ventura at #WCEU:…