
  • Untitled post 60180

    If you are REALLY old school #WordPress you'll remember the mailing lists. I actually talked with people via (gasp) email lists in addition to forums way back. I still have mine for BuddyPress that I still every month for almost two decades? #oldschool #getOffMyLawn

  • Untitled post 59973

    My reaction why my kid asked if i considered myself old and do I remember things called "iPods". #memes #GetOffMyLawn

  • Got my first "enjoy senior living, come tour this community" pamphlet in the mail today. As someone past the mid-40s it's not shocking or totally unexpected. Taking it in stride. Still i'm like "really?". Wife said with eyes rolling and a slight smile: "Now's the time start thinking about it." But I believe I'm supposed…

  • What's a life lesson you wished you truly learned earlier in life? For me: learn to accept what you can't control.. focus on what you can control and what your reactions to what you can't. #life #lifelessions #GetOffMyLawn

  • As you grow older, you realize there is a fine line between: 1. feeling that going to bed earlier is a good idea…2. …therefore eating earlier at 5 PM at a Denny’s (what some marketing calls “Early Bird Special”) is a logical next step. #GetOffMyLawn #iAmMyGrandpq

  • Untitled post 58640

    Choose Your Own Adventure books are 45 years old? I loved these as a kid, and some of my first computer programs I wrote were mimicking the idea. #GetOffMyLawn

  • Forget #RSS. I sometimes miss the BBS (but not slow modems). #GetOffMyLawn

  • 10 rules for communicating with Gen Z online. Includes: “2. Never text without emojis or text emojis.” “9. Capitalizing the first letter in a sentence will reveal where you are”… #GetOffMyLawn …

  • First off… I was on bulletin board systems (BBS), IRC, AOL, and ICQ long before these 25 year olds were a glimmer in their parents eye. Also: I own domain names that are older than these people. #GetOffMyLawn…

  • Webkit and Safari on #MacOS just turned 20 years old. Debuted at Macworld in 2003. Reflection from @donmelton: #GetOffMyLawn

  • My wife is a ball of sunhine and joy 99% of the time. I say 99% because every once in a while I get these texts. #GetOffMyLawn

  • TIL There has been more time between Batman Begins and NOW than between Batman Begins and Tim Burton’s Batman.

  • .@tumblr looks like it just came out with a nice “Year In Review”. 👍🏻 If you are at least as old as I am, might be good to catch up on a some culture you might not know about. #GetOffMyLawn

  • Remember that the antique shop in 2015 from Back to the Future 2? Had that same moment today when I was in a “collectable” store and saw this. #GetOffMyLawn

  • Finding in the “Best Font for Online Reading” study: People read 11% slower for every 20 years they age. 😱… #GetOffMyLawn

  • An old video gamer like me loves a look back in time – to a site that lists all of the Atari games. The era of “software box” type of art will forever be burned into my 🧠. #GetOffMyLawn

  • Discovered that 8 year olds are using @roblox chat to keep in touch w/ friends like how us older folks use @SlackHQ. When I was eight I was lucky to get my Etch A Sketch working, while avoiding the evil Teddy Ruxpin. 🐻 #GetOffMyLawn

  • As someone who got into gaming and web development in the 90s, this isn’t that far off from the truth. #getoffmylawn

  • Some quality reading material to choose from at Target. #getoffmylawn

  • If you remember desktop computers having: – a hardware lock – a “turbo” button – a reset button (not a power button) on the front of your desktop #GetOffMyLawn

  • Ultimate dad “back in my day” mode when I make my daughter install this: Windows 95 is now an app you can download and install on macOS, Windows, and Linux. #getoffmylawn…

  • Feeling nostalgic for some reason recently. Missing these currently: – @pownce – Friendster – ICQ – FriendFeed – Early @digg – @wpcandy #GetOffMyLawn

  • Found a working Apple IIc – this was my first home computer when I was a kid. Bonus: playing the original Oregon Trial. #makerfaire #getoffmylawn

  • AIM will shut down after 20 years.… #getoffmylawn

  • @hellofromTonya @tommcfarlin @chrislema #getoffmylawn

  • Anyone remember doing this? #GetOffMyLawn

  • I remember when i used to relate to the kids on “Malcom In The Middle”. I’ve hit the age when i’m 100% relating to the dad. #getoffmylawn

  • On this day 20 years ago The Fifth Element premiered. #GetOffMyLawn

  • 12 years ago today, the first video on YouTube was uploaded #getoffmylawn……

  • 20 years ago today Winamp was released. #getoffmylawn