
  • #frontendconf breakfast has monkey bread. Don’t know what it is? Look it up.

  • Coffee. #frontendconf

  • Hanging out with the Tampa Bay WordPress meetup. #frontendconf

  • Amazingly I have arrived on-time for the Tampa Bay #frontendconf WordPress meetup.

  • Thanks to @crissmancd for helping me test out submitting photos on the #frontendconf site this morning.

  • @JesseAdametz #frontendconf is what we are monitoring over at

  • I will be at the Tampa Bay WordPress @frontendconf social tomorrow:… #frontendconf

  • Great #frontendconf video, for those that went. We need a promo video of this quality for WordCamp Miami.

  • @totuit will do. but cool guy? apparently you didn’t see me in action at #frontendconf. 🙂

  • Still digesting the chocolate-covered bacon from #frontendconf. Thanks @dandenney!

  • Got back from #FrontEndConf in time to see @nacin @markjaquith #wcnyc live stream. Wife thinks I need professional help.

  • #FrontEndConf 2012 was truly the bordello of web knowledge. @frontendconf

  • #FrontEndConf is over. Great job guys. @frontendconf @dandenney @cherrieDenney

  • Survey link for the lazy: #FrontEndConf

  • So with uploading and downloading abilities, Play is the new Napster. @michigangraham #FrontEndConf

  • Play is a employee-powered i-Tunes DJ on crack. @michigangraham #FrontEndConf

  • Iconify is the only portfolio that turns creative professionals into icons.. literally.… via @geticonify #FrontEndConf

  • Wow. @Luke_Copping is showing off some nice examples of responsive gallery sites. Very impressed. #FrontEndConf

  • Please tell me the #ColorsShapesFonts talk was taped. @itsrayland #FrontEndConf

  • OH: “That logo is 90-ish.” @itsrayland #FrontEndConf

  • Color lovers. I was about to make a joke, but I would be asked to leave. @itsrayland #FrontEndConf

  • This guy needs his own show. @itsrayland #FrontEndConf

  • Valid point here: Pepsi changed it’s font faster than Lady Gaga changes horrible outfits. @itsrayland #FrontEndConf

  • This presentation is brought to you by Visa. @itsrayland #FrontEndConf

  • Looking at the red square. I’m stressed out, feel like i’ll abandon WordPress for Drupal. @itsrayland #FrontEndConf #justkidding

  • What do you get when you put a red lens on a chicken’s eye? (You get Robot Chicken). @itsrayland #FrontEndConf

  • MIND BLOWN. @itsrayland #FrontEndConf

  • I’ll have what @itsrayland is having. #ColorsShapesFonts #FrontEndConf

  • Andy Clarke thoughts on pricing: @eddiemachado #FrontEndConf

  • Don’t trust clients that don’t pay you upfront. 100% agree. Don’t take them on. @eddiemachado #FrontEndConf