.@cameronmoll on iOS7: “We aren’t allowing Apple to make mistakes. They did it in 7 months.” #frontendconf
“Is PhotoShop dead?” “I dunno, is paper or sketching or your favorite tool dead?” @cameronmoll #frontendconf
Cross Screen Experience spaker deck:… @cameronmoll #frontendconf
How to make a name for yourself in the business: write constantly about what you’re passionate about. @cameronmoll #frontendconf
#1 question @cameronmoll gets asked: “how do you balance your time and make it work?” answer: “i don’t, i prioritize.” #frontendconf
.@cameronmoll mentions Frontpage and the entire audience groans. #frontendconf
Using alert() to debug on javascript? Slap yourself and use console.log() instead. @dougneiner #frontendconf
Postman is a chrome extension that help you generate HTTP requests for js/ajax testing.… #frontendconf
Here’s a @dougneiner video on Contextual jQuery from 2012 #frontendconf
Just a reminder, here’s the #frontendconf photo gallery from today:
Instead of show/hide, use jQuery to add and remove classes (is-visible) but define the class in CSS. @dougneiner #frontendconf
Thanks to #frontendconf, my new CSS class is: body.after-food-breaks { width: 105%; }
Looking forward to @dougneiner speak on jQuery. One of those friendly, easy to understand topic speaker. #frontendconf
The amount of process required is inversely proportional to the skill/experience of your team. @bencallahan #frontendconf
Currently @bencallahan talking about major approaches for responsive design. #frontendconf
Car stuck? Try kitty litter. @shoptalkshow #frontendconf
JZ Penny – “99 Problems But A Discount Ain’t One” @shoptalkshow #frontendconf
Here’s the @electricpulp numbers on ecommerce responsive that’s being talked about now on @shoptalkshow… #frontendconf
Live @shoptalkshow is live. #frontendconf
“I’m going to wait and see if SASS sticks…. yeah and wait on that Honda Accord because flying cars are coming.” @chriscoyier #frontendconf
“I gave preprocessors a shot on a real projects, but i didn’t like it – nobody.” @chriscoyier #frontendconf
WordPress plugin AssetsMinify uses Compass/SASS/LESS and uses minify on css/js.… @chriscoyier #frontendconf
If you learn anything from @chriscoyier, it’s: SASS complicates workflow but it’s a long-term investment that pays off. #frontendconf
“But Greg!” sounds like a title of a great sitcom or training video to me. #frontendconf
Anytime you’d use a @mixin with no parameters, it’s likely you can use @extend. #sass #frontendconf
Love how @chriscoyier calls his css sizes “baby-bear” and “mama-bear.” #frontendconf
Nesting media queries in SASS seems meant to be like peanut butter and chocolate. #frontendconf @chriscoyier
#frontendconf “Why would you choose ‘only web colors’ in Photoshop?” @chriscoyier (shakes head)
Funny. @chriscoyier playing “is it Tom Selleck or Bert Reynolds”. #frontendconf
Using mousemove and touchstart to detect touch devices:… @JennLukas #frontendconf