
  • Ah. The #frontendconf early birds.

  • Settling in my hotel for #frontendconf tomorrow. Hello St. Pete, old friend.

  • On the road to @frontendconf. See you monsters there. #frontendconf.

  • I put up a social media wall to monitor photos, tweets, and videos from @frontendconf : #frontendconf

  • With this being @frontendconf last year, who’s planning on attending next month in St. Pete? #frontendconf

  • goo.js simplifies drawing to HTML5 canvas. Reminds me of what i learned of canvas at #frontendconf.…

  • RT @dougneiner: Just posted my slides (…) and the Github repo (…) from my #frontendconf talk.

  • Cross-Platform Sass and Compass in WordPress:… #frontendconf // cc: @MinaMarkham

  • Here’s a WordPress plugin for automated SASS stylesheet generation:… #frontendconf // cc: @MinaMarkham

  • Fact: Haven’t been at a single day at a #frontendconf where it hasn’t rained.

  • We should thank @dandenney and crew for another awesome #frontendconf. If we don’t die due to bacon related causes, we will be back.

  • #frontendconf needs awards to give out. Suggestions: best iOS7 comment in a talk or best use of an animated GIF in a presentation.

  • Breaking news: @ThinkVera is using purple for slide backgrounds. Men next time, use pink. #frontendconf

  • Discovered this HUGE list of resources for front-end developers at #frontendconf. Take a look:…

  • If #frontendconf is any indication, the fashion trend for conference presentations is animated GIFS and white-on-black code samples.

  • Neat: @davidleininger showing #frontendconf folks his “book opening” effect…

  • skrollr : Stand-alone parallax scrolling library… #frontendconf

  • “Your website sucks if it looks like a WordPress theme.” @iammilton #frontendconf

  • Second day #frontendconf tweets and photos:

  • #frontendconf attendees who are lost: 2nd floor on student building off of 6th ave #200. Parking garage across street

  • Preview of my #frontendconf talk today:

  • #frontendconf folks: if you need noise and you work in quiet environment, try this:

  • “Full-time freelancing: 10 things learned in 180 days”:… @cameronmoll #frontendconf

  • Interesting. You get a real email from @authenticjobs – @cameronmoll takes turns during customer support via email. #frontendconf

  • “Understand and learn hierarchy. It’s fundamental to user interfaces.” @cameronmoll #frontendconf

  • Everything is a Remix info: @cameronmoll #frontendconf

  • “How to get into the field: intimate/copy from the master, then develop our own style.” @cameronmoll #frontendconf

  • The most significant job has been one that’s one that dramatically changed one’s circumstances. @authenticjobs @cameronmoll #frontendconf

  • “Be happy with what you’ve done. Don’t regret things you would have done differently.” @cameronmoll #frontendconf

  • Agree with @cameronmoll – designers need to get down from a higher horse and allow Apple to make mistakes. #frontendconf