
  • A truer statement hasn’t been spoken at #frontendconf – am I right folks? @frontendconf @drewbarontini

  • #frontendconf will now also be known as “the orgy of bacon”. @frontendconf

  • I think i’m going to make a “browse a sniff” t-shirt. #CSS @rachsmithtweets #frontendconf

  • .@rachsmithtweets mentions for design inspiration. #frontendconf

  • Might get jumped at #frontendconf but I think parallax scrolling scrolling websites are overused and overrated.

  • #frontendconf folks: here’s @rachsmithtweets CodePen page:

  • Performance and Purpose – good guidelines to use for CSS Animations and marriage partners. #frontendconf

  • Canvas allows you to manipulate bitmaps almost as easily as my wife can manipulate me. @rachsmithtweets #frontendconf

  • Pros for css animatinos: Performance & no JS. Cons: Lack of control @rachsmithtweets #frontendconf

  • #frontendconf pro-tip: the drink tickets are in your badge.

  • .@rachsmithtweets mentions how flash and auto-playing audio was popular 5 years ago, and someone vommited in the audience. #frontendconf

  • . @Rachsmithtweets wins “best pants” at #frontendconf

  • If there are going to be more technical difficulties at #frontendconf, then @dandenney is going to run out of t-shirts.

  • Gave out some #wcmia scout books and stickers already at #frontendconf. It’s a sickness people.

  • Here’s @dryan Static Zip Code API:… #frontendconf

  • Great lessons learned from @dryan #frontendconf

  • A JSON file of zip codes for $8/month and never went down or worry (vs a database). @dryan #frontendconf

  • “Start with static (bon-database) and then justify why it’s not.” @dryan #frontendconf

  • “Don’t try to be perfect in design and coding, just be smarter.” @dryan #frontendconf

  • “Being where users are is better than trying to get them where you want them to be.” @dryan #frontendconf

  • Presidential fist bump. @dryan #frontendconf

  • “Romney campaign copied the Obama “Quick Donate” feature so well, they even copied the typos.” @dryan #frontendconf

  • “Don’t randomly test designs, optimize and continue learning.” @dryan #frontendconf

  • If you want to follow Instagrams, Tweets, and videos of #frontendconf:

  • . @Dryan talking about how Obama dev team improved campaigning experience on mobile. #frontendconf

  • “Frictionless design is better than funnelled design.” @dryan #frontendconf

  • “Grinder For Volunteers” – someone get on that. @dryan #frontendconf

  • “We are all designers because we make decisions on how we build things.” @dryan #frontendconf

  • Humans! #frontendconf

  • Hey #frontendconf folks: here’s the wifi info. @frontendconf