
  • .@kevingotbounce mentions… for charts/info on Responsive email support. #frontendconf

  • Those interested in HTML emails might want to check out #frontendconf

  • Use tables for HTML emails, not <div>. Somewhere a kitten cries. #frontendconf @kevingotbounce

  • Apple owns 45% of mail readers, Google 15%. Mobile owns 43%, peaking at 50% during holidays. @KEVINgotbounce #frontendconf

  • .@KEVINgotbounce asks who built HTML emails in the audience, and a few people started crying. #frontendconf

  • #frontendconf reminder: Check out all the photos from today so far:

  • .@ATXNerdyLadies was an idea of @elyseholladay (nice social site) #frontendconf

  • Give it up for @elyseholladay – killing it right now. She is emotional cat nip. #frontendconf

  • “Dont lie about your skills. Sometimes you don’t know what you’re capable of until you do it.” @elyseholladay #frontendconf

  • .@elyseholladay github page contains a repo called “tigers”:… #frontendconf

  • “Nobody is an expert. Years of experience make you search for more complex things, not less.” @elyseholladay #frontendconf

  • I know that i don’t know about the items I think i know, but don’t know. You know? #frontendconf @elyseholladay

  • The pictures that @elyseholladay is showing us of Yoga poses is hurting my nah-nahs. #frontendconf

  • Welcome to #frontendconf where strawberries are sweet and the tigers don’t matter. @Elyseholladay

  • Vintage #frontendconf tshirts !

  • Our #frontendconf WordPress lunch meetup.

  • “Never just sent initial designs to clients. Have a face-to-face or call to explain your vision.” @andigrahambsd #frontendconf

  • has responses for designers for commonly asked questions from clients. @andigrahambsd #frontendconf

  • #frontendconf if you like @andigrahambsd you can view her #wcmia talk here:…

  • “CSS and HTML are not design tools”. This times a hundred. @andigrahambsd #frontendconf

  • Colors, fonts, and shapes are back! #frontendconf @andigrahambsd

  • TIL Vomit of rainbow is the opposite of beige. @andigrahambsd #frontendconf

  • WordCamp Miami alumni @andigrahambsd is up now talking about designing in the browser. #frontendconf #wcmia

  • If you’re interested in continuing @frontendconf, add your name and info to this Google Doc:… #frontendconf (Plz RT)

  • #frontendconf There’s a WordPress lunch meetup happening. Staying for pizza, Join us.

  • .@drewbarcontini Front End Audit doc for outlining and planning your front-end build:… #CSS #frontendconf

  • Here’s @drewbarontini Github page: #frontendconf

  • After all the #frontendconf bacon and treats, my <body> max-width is pushing 120% @frontendconf

  • Modular CSS means breaking things into smaller parts and independently created. YO JOE! @drewbarontini #frontendconf

  • “HTML and CSS is easy to write, but not easy to write well.” @drewbarontini #frontendconf