
  • “Designs are not done in a vacuum. When you design, communicate your intent with notes.” @norcross #frontendconf

  • “Apologize if i say something that might offend you.” WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH @norcross ? #frontendconf

  • When I think of sliders, I think of burgers. Then the TV show. Then the web. #FrontEndConf @norcross

  • Hey who’s that handsome WordPress dev speaking at #FrontEndConf ? That’s @norcross

  • @elyseholladay @ibjhb and finally, i was planning on getting this and it looks promising: #frontendconf

  • @elyseholladay @ibjhb Grunt boilerplate for web designers… #frontendconf

  • @elyseholladay @ibjhb this might be a good resource, a plugin repo for Grunt.js: #frontendconf

  • “Our documentation is our Wilson (from Castaway) – something to talk to so we’re better off w/ our clients.” @travismillerweb #frontendconf

  • @elyseholladay @steveshreve @ibjhb @travismillerweb haven’t used Gulp, but i have this bookmarked:… #frontendconf

  • @elyseholladay @steveshreve @ibjhb @travismillerweb i found this helpful:… #frontendconf

  • If you have a Google fetish then @travismillerweb is making you excited right now. #frontendconf

  • .@travismillerweb recommends highly for a one-man dev shop. Automate your tasks, SASS, and code doc. #frontendconf

  • One of my fav #frontendconf speakers @travismillerweb on working rote

  • #frontendconf peeps: @NextJenHR is looking for a Front End Web Developer in Tampa.…

  • RT @webjac: If you’re hiring at #frontendconf I’m looking for new opportunities. Please get in touch #frontend #ux #design

  • Here’s the Businessology podcast with @robertHarr… #frontendconf

  • “If you ever become annoying with a client, you aren’t charging them enough money.” @robertHarr #frontendconf

  • “As you grow your business, you’ll have to find bigger and better clients and fire some smaller. And that’s ok.” @robertHarr #frontendconf

  • “If you are busy with work, increase your rates.” @robertharr #frontendconf

  • “Decide as a team what parts of a project that should be experimented with.” @robertharr #frontendconf

  • “Train your clients to think about your pricing model.” @robertharr #frontendconf

  • – good potential source for legal documents for businesses @robertharr #frontendconf

  • “Not owning client code – even if your client doesn’t pay – results in zero reliability and responsibility.” @robertharr #frontendconf

  • Rare to see speakers reveal hourly rates, so kudos to @robertHarr #frontendconf

  • “The trick isn’t figuring out what a client for a web project wants, it’s figuring out what they NEED.” @robertharr #frontendconf

  • Fixed, hourly, value pricing. There is no right answer – find what works for you. @robertharr #frontendconf

  • “Running your own web business is freedom, but that freedom isn’t free.” @robertharr #frontendconf

  • An icon everyone can understand. @robertHarr #frontendconf

  • Nice example from @acacheung about unique but accessible tweaks to web forms. #frontendconf

  • #frontendconf