
  • @darcy_clarke WHAT ABOUT IE6?!?!?!?!? #frontendconf

  • There’s one IE fan in the audience that’s sinking in his chair right now. Poor guy/gril. @darcy_clarke #frontendconf

  • The lack of IE on @darcy_clarke list of the “modern web” brought big laughs. #frontendconf

  • some of us did things we aren’t proud of for box shadows & browser hacks in 2002-2010. @darcy_clarke #frontendconf

  • #frontendconf @darcy_clarke 2002-2010 was a despressing area for front-end coders. things were “code bloat” and tables bad.

  • #frontendconf @dary_clarke is up w/ front-end dev techniques. like the fact that his slides are html. def. a raising trend.

  • #frontendconf @jasonvanlue says “my wife is here today…” and i heard a few women (and men?) sigh.

  • #frontendconf @jasonvanlue was a great choice to get the conference started. he’s HUMAN COFFEE.

  • #frontendconf we need to be confident and no idea is bad. so my chocolate salad idea isn’t bad? yes! @jasonvanlue

  • #frontendconf sometimes the design decision we make is “good enough” to get it off our plates. allow more time for better solutions.

  • #frontendconf get into open mode by giving yourself a “time space” oasis. @jasonvanlue

  • #frontendconf i think @jasonvanlue looks a bit like “the world’s most photogenic guy”. Agree?

  • #frontendconf designers can contribute time to WordPress UI. They are always looking for talent:

  • #frontendconf designers need to be less protective and contribute more, especially to open source projects. @jasonvanlue

  • #frontendconf if your producet reaches people, you NEED design. it shouldn’t be an afterthought. @jasonvanlue

  • #frontendconf we design for people. you cannot understand good design if you don’t understand people. @jasonvanlue

  • #frontendconf design should be treated more than plumbing and not just decoration @jasonvanlue

  • #frontendconf Henry Ford was seeking to make things better, not to reinvent transportation. @jasonvanlue

  • #frontendconf instant win for @jasonvanlue for incorporating nipples and Star Wars into a design talk.

  • #frontendconf i’m driving with my eyes closed. In Mimami, we do this all the time. @jasonvanlue

  • #frontendconf “The only intuitive interface is the nipple.” @jasonvanlue

  • Nice to bump into @dandenny before the event. He’s up on stage now. #frontendconf

  • Wifi password is “event” for Brighthouse in case you need it. #frontendconf

  • #frontendconf looks like a full house.

  • Lots of cool people here at #frontendconf. Alot wearing plad. @eddiemachado @whitmoyer.

  • Grabbed my badge and swag. Now enjoying a tasty breakfast. #frontendconf

  • Chatting up nerd talk with @thatsoftwareguy @erikstmartin @world_famous. #frontendconf