
  • The trick to Fitvids.js is that it makes the height 0% but adds padding automatically w/ width 100%. Neat. @davatron5000 #FrontEndConf

  • @cmdshiftdesign can lose with me heckling you. #frontendconf

  • Intrinsic Ratios – fitvids.js – embeds videos in a fluid/responsive way easily. @davatron5000 #FrontEndConf

  • Accessibility is a big deal. There are rules. Use aria-hidden. @davatron5000 #FrontEndConf

  • Great link for icon fonts on @davatron5000 #FrontEndConf

  • The Future of FitText is VW, VH, and VMIN. Link: on @davatron5000 #FrontEndConf

  • I’ve used fittext.js before. Great script, makes font-sizes flexy. @davatron5000 #FrontEndConf

  • Don’t be a jerk. Let users change their default browser font size. @davatron5000 #FrontEndConf

  • 20px + 10px = 2em === TARGET + CONTEXT = RESULT. @davatron5000 #FrontEndConf

  • Don’t use “px” use “em”. THE KEY TO GETTING FLEXLY. @davatron5000 #FrontEndConf

  • Oh yeah! RT @bermonpainter: @dimensionmedia kinkier Sass is definitely the best. #frontendconf

  • Min-width for “mobile first”, Starting small… going up, Progressive enhancement. @davatron5000 #FrontEndConf

  • Use max-width for “desktop down”, legacy sites, and first-timers. @davatron5000 #FrontEndConf

  • Love it. @davatron5000 slide mentions “max-width” twice. #FrontEndConf

  • #FrontEndConf …. @davatron5000 is the Zach Galifianakis of web development.

  • “If you think the breakpoints are 320px and 960px, you might be a white guy with Apple products.” @davatron5000 #FrontEndConf

  • If @davatron5000 talk getes any funnier, i’m going to have to change my pants. #FrontEndConf

  • Here’s the famous article on @alistapart regarding Responsive Design: @davatron5000 #FrontEndConf

  • Responsive Design is flexible grids, media querires, and flexible media. @davatron5000 #FrontEndConf

  • @davatron5000 is going to show us “how to get flexy” WHERE IS MY WIFE? #FrontEndConf

  • Lettering.js (glorified spam injector), fitbids.js, FitText created by @davatron5000 #FrontEndConf

  • The bananas are a lie. @carlsmith #FrontEndConf

  • Charlie Sheen got the biggest laugh. “Stop losing, why am i listening to Charlie Sheen?” @carlsmith #FrontEndConf

  • Muhammad Ali was the master of physiological warfare. Invented “rope a dope”. @carlsmith #frontendconf

  • Don King was too dumb to know he couldn’t succeed. @carlsmith #FrontEndConf

  • “Spidy says don’t do crack.” @carlsmith #FrontEndConf

  • “Enjoy failure”. @carlsmith #FrontEndConf

  • Pongs w/ “martial aids”. Boom. @carlsmith #FrontEndConf

  • It’s not how you start. Never quit. Trust youtself. Walt Disney started out crappy, invented alot. #FrontEndConf

  • Dumbo was the only movie from Disney that was on-time and on-budget because Walt Disney wasn’t involved. #FrontEndConf