
  • I dedicate this meme to #FrontEndConf. #colorsShapesFonts

  • Drinking game. Everytime Balal Khan says “EE is a piece of crap”, take a shot. #FrontEndConf

  • There are plenty of plugins that help define content in WordPress. Look up “custom post types”. #FrontEndConf

  • Alas, Balal Khan doesn’t capitalize the “P” in WordPress. #FrontEndConf

  • True, clients have the potential to screw up any site with a CMS. But nothing is idiot-proof. #FrontEndConf

  • I was wondering when we would get a CMS WP vs. xxxx talk. Turns out, it’s Balal Khan’s talk at #FrontEndConf

  • “Coda 2 is great, crashes every give minutes though.” Amen to that. @iammilton #FrontEndConf @panic

  • ESPN uses Coda Clips, Espresso and Dreamweaver (?!?!?). @iammilton #FrontEndConf

  • @dandenney thanks for getting me in an awkward pose in the shot. #frontendconf

  • listening to @iammilton talk about ESPN and redesigns. ESPn uses the Agile workflow. #FrontEndConf

  • Breakfast. Coffee. Car Keys. Coffee. Gas Up Car. Coffee. #FrontEndConf

  • Great #FrontEndConf after-party. Sorry about the drunken rage. See you guys tomorrow at 11.

  • 7% of (mobile?) traffic comes from the new iPad. #FrontEndConf

  • Starbucks Style guide: @sazzy #FrontEndConf

  • Pattern libraries can prevent one from trying to Photoshop mockup on different devices. Mailchimp does it. @sazzy #FrontEndConf

  • Regarding responsive design, start thinking in terms of puzzle pieces, rather than the finished picture. @sazzy #FrontEndConf

  • RT @NathanielDeal: Use scratch files to help developers understand multiple sizes and expanding images. @sazzy #frontendconf

  • .@sazzy recommends Layer Cake for exporting PNG from layers in Photoshop. Link: #FrontEndConf

  • Anyone use a Blackberry Playbook here? *CRICKETS* @sazzy #FrontEndConf

  • Users stick w/ horizontal and vertical orientation. They don’t normally switch, especially on an iPad. @sazzy #FrontEndConf

  • Interesting that the average finger pin tap sizes are 44 x 44 px and 44 x 42px. @sazzy #FrontEndConf

  • Progressive disclosure is showing a few features to users, then slowly expanding content/features. @sazzy #FrontEndConf

  • “Unless i have some sort of content in advance, i’m not designing anything.” @sazzy #FrontEndConf

  • You can’t create good experiences without knowing content and your content structure. @sazzy #FrontEndConf

  • Stop using lorem ipsum and boxes – think through REAL content implications. @sazzy #FrontEndConf

  • Mobile accounts for 10% of interest usage. Double from 2010. @sazzy #FrontEndConf

  • Pagebreak podcast mentioned: @davatron5000 #FrontEndConf

  • There’s been alot of talk about Twitter Bootstrap here. Overall feeling: it’s ok, but you won’t learn from it. #FrontEndConf

  • Kilobytes is not a Transformer. In case you weren’t born before 1990. @davatron5000 #FrontEndConf

  • The ratio keeps appearing in @davatron5000 slides like an episode of LOST. #FrontEndConf