
  • Web developers should be like rude taxi drivers. We know what we are doing. And sometimes we don’t shower. @eddiemachado #FrontEndConf

  • If clients are dictating your process, then you will NEVER find your flow. @eddiemachado #FrontEndConf

  • Problem solving and innovation don’t happen in our comfort places. @eddiemachado #FrontEndConf

  • Talking at #FrontEndConf is @eddiemachado. He did the #WordPress Bones theme. Fans of it are called Boners.

  • MODX has two version – Evolution and Revolution. Like that Dance, Dance game in the arcade. @benmarte #FrontEndConf

  • Just learned too much already about @benmarte in the first 5 seconds. #FrontEndConf

  • Link to Andy Clarke’s post being mentioned by @davidleininger #FrontEndConf

  • Solution to mobile nav: dropdowns, footer anchors, toggle menu (my fav), left fly-outs. @davidleininger #frontendconf

  • If the majority of what people see on your mobile site is nav and not content, you’re doing it wrong. @davidleininger #FrontEndConf

  • Adobe Shadow is a great test tool. Updates all your iOS/Android devices when coding. And it’s free. @davidleininger #FrontEndConf

  • Make fun of @_fasterhorses all you want, but you KNOW his css files look good. #FrontEndConf

  • Alphabetize your css is cool. You know what’s cooler? The find function in your IDE. @_fasterhorses #FrontEndConf

  • My parole officer said if it indented children again, i’m going away for a long time. #FrontEndConf

  • Spaces vs. Tabs. @_fasterhorses uses spaces. READY THE PITCHFORKS AND TORCHES. #FrontEndConf

  • Code organization isn’t for you. It’s for the poor bastards that have to read your code later. @_fasterhorses #FrontEndConf

  • Loving @cmdshiftdesign and @nikibrown on stage. Listening to their podcast on the way home. #FrontEndConf

  • +1 RT @thealina: #frontendconf Can we get some food trucks to show up next year?

  • James Brown presentation made me feel good and makes me want to be a better SASS machine. #FrontEndConf

  • HTTP monitoring w/ Charles:… #FrontEndConf

  • 20% of top ten sites have duplicated scripts? Shame on them! #FrontEndConf

  • Info on BigPipe from Facebook that @ibjhb was mentioning: #FrontEndConf

  • Wow, gotta look into manual DNS prefetching. @ibjhb #FrontEndConf

  • CSS Styles at top of your page. Javascript scripts at bottom if you can. Avoid CSS Expressions. @ibjhb #FrontEndConf

  • Speaking of optimizing and page loads, Pingdom has a great tool for testing your site: #FrontEndConf

  • People don’t want to wait. 0.5 second additional wait dropped revenue 20%. @ibjhb #FrontEndConf

  • Good link on writing efficient CSS selectors #FrontEndConf

  • The “checkbox hack” that @webcraftsman mentioned is pretty cool. Gotta try it. Here’s the link: #FrontEndConf

  • Here’s the link to tuts-plus article on CSS selectors mentioned by @webcraftsman #FrontEndConf

  • lifeux people created PassTheSass. Link on GitHub: #FrontEndConf

  • Listening to the talk about their workflow. Never been a big fan of Campfire, but nice it works for them. #FrontEndConf