Interesting (at least in my CMS land): JSON:API shipping with #Drupal 8.7. wimleers.com/blog/drupal-8.…
Congrats to @getpantheon for raising additional $40 million in Series D funding. #WordPress #Drupal venturebeat.com/2019/03/05/pan…
@cariefisher @wpcampusorg We have #Drupal speakers at @wordcampmiami – we would love to have more folks like you. 🙂 #WCMIA
As someone that looks at the #WordPress admin daily, I found this work on #Drupal admin UI interesting. twitter.com/gaborhojtsy/st…
#Drupal is 18 years old. Congrats to @Dries and the @Drupal community. 👍🏻 dri.es/happy-eighteen…
“Longer term, we are working on creating a completely new JavaScript-based administration UI.” #Drupal twitter.com/Dries/status/1…
Always wondered why #WordPress had wordpress.tv and #Drupal didn’t. Nice to see these freely available video resources for open source CMS. twitter.com/DrupaldotTV/st…
If you are in the #WordPress space and haven’t poked your nose into #Drupal recently, here’s two posts from @Dries to ponder over before 2019 hits: dri.es/optimizing-you… dri.es/relentlessly-e… dri.es/drupal-long-te…
Interesting @Drupal update from @Dries on Plans for #Drupal 9 providing a date of June 3, 2020. dri.es/plan-for-drupa…
“I’m not embarrassed to say #Drupal is my second favorite CMS in the world.” @photomatt to @JJJ @jeffr0 youtube.com/watch?v=ZQCxAT…
Interesting and a little surreal to see #Gutenberg on #Drupal. Install video: youtube.com/watch?v=pKBmGE… twitter.com/drupalgutenber…
Interesting Layout Builder for #Drupal 8 as discussed by @Dries here. Interesting similarities and differences vs. #WordPress #Gutenberg. dri.es/why-drupal-lay…
“ #Drupal 8 will drop support for #PHP 5 on March 6, 2019…” twitter.com/Dries/status/1…
Interesting news in the ecommerce space: @acquia and @BigCommerce are partnering on “headless commerce architectures” with #Drupal. dri.es/acquia-partner…
For my #Drupal homies and developers keeping it real in the hood. Big security issues – upgrade to patch. twitter.com/EduardKovacs/s…
@jeffr0 I think past a certain point a “speed to install” is an empty metric. I know in #Drupal case – i forget the time it was before – though it was pretty awful.
Github repo: Initial implementation of #Gutenberg as a #Drupal text editor. github.com/front/drupal-g…
Interesting integration w/ #Drupal and Tome.fyi, a static site generator. twitter.com/DrupalSAM/stat…
“I dreaded the day I would share a great #Drupal site with a #highered client and having to show them the admin… but the experience is getting better.” @jeckman #WPCampus
“acquia.com is the business end of @Drupal and is trying to own the entire digital strategy of various companies.” @noeltock #WCEU #Drupal
How does #Drupal community sees #WordPress? “In recent years I think in recent years it has becomes less of a competitor and more of a collaborator.” @davidneedham at @WCEurope #WCEU
Interesting: #React coming to the Drupal Admin: react-etc.net/entry/drupal-r… #Drupal
Chart of #Drupal growth according to @Dries at #DrupalCon. twitter.com/akucharski/sta…
Interesting roadmap for #Drupal. twitter.com/castastrophee/…
Armchair WordCampers: Try something different and follow @DrupalConNA this week. #DrupalCon #Drupal
Awesome. On the flip side, @wordcampmiami is hosting #Drupal speaker @dinarcon 2018.miami.wordcamp.org/speaker/mauric… #wcmia twitter.com/jillbinder/sta…
“Running a Billion Dollar Business on #Drupal Commerce” drupal.org/node/2897152
Calling any and all @drupal users. #drupal twitter.com/drupalsecurity…
Interesting: “Making @Drupal upgrades easy forever” @Dries buytaert.net/making-drupal-… #drupal
Here’s information on the @Drupal 8 Multilingual Initiative: drupal8multilingual.org @gaborhojtsy #wceu #Drupal