Changing Colors in an #SVG Element Using #CSS and #JavaScript https://www.kirupa.com/web/changing_colors_svg_css_javascript.htm
Bubble Sort…in PURE #CSS? 😱 https://dev.to/grahamthedev/bubble-sortin-pure-css-no-js-3bb1
Nice #CSS feature for Safari and Chrome (Firefox?). Select element now with horizontal rules! https://developer.chrome.com/en/blog/hr-in-select/?ref=web-design-weekly.com
"How Bear does analytics with #CSS" https://herman.bearblog.dev/how-bear-does-analytics-with-css/
For #CSS nerds: Styling External Links with Attribute Selectors https://css-irl.info/styling-external-links-with-attribute-selectors/?ref=web-design-weekly.com
Nice for #CSS folks. Learn how to use @scope to select elements only within a limited subtree of your DOM. https://developer.chrome.com/articles/at-scope/?ref=web-design-weekly.com via @bramus
An Anchored Navbar Solution #CSS via @Meyerweb https://meyerweb.com/eric/thoughts/2023/10/05/an-anchored-navbar-solution/
Be nice when this standard comes: Textareas with auto-increasing height using #CSS https://www.amitmerchant.com/textarea-auto-increase-height/?ref=web-design-weekly.com
The Ultimate Low-Quality Image Placeholder Technique #CSS https://csswizardry.com/2023/09/the-ultimate-lqip-lcp-technique/
TIL about the :empty property in #CSS. I love how i can keep learning about new things in CSS, even the ones I think I should have stumbled on already (or maybe I did and I didn't remember).
Nice. An overview of the Math functions coming (and already in) #CSS. https://danielcwilson.com/posts/mathematicss-round/?ref=web-design-weekly.com
State of #CSS 2023 Survey results (while some are predictable, always a good annual read – I also look forward to @chriscoyier take). https://2023.stateofcss.com/
A nice visual guide to #CSS selectors. https://fffuel.co/css-selectors
Adapting typography to user preferences with #CSS https://web.dev/adapting-typography-to-user-preferences-with-css/
Did the math and i’ve been writing HTML, #CSS and #JavaScript for over half of my life… …#WordPress for almost a 1/3 of my life. #LiterallyDeveloperLife
#Tailwind and the death of web craftsmanship https://pdx.su/blog/2023-07-26-tailwind-and-the-death-of-craftsmanship/ "…it reduces your HTML to a gigantic pile of near-gibberish #CSS classes." Still digesting, but i'm not a Tailwind user. I'm not violent against it but i've been working with CSS since it's invention.
View Transition powered drag n’ drop! just drag events then swappin DOM, #CSS view transitions doin all the animation work (which it’s GREAT AT) 🤯 that animated emoji don’t miss a beat try it! codepen.io/argyleink/pen/… pic.twitter.com/SiBJ8L…
Styling Flowcharts using #CSS ("Flowchart Fun is built on the amazing open-source library cytoscape.js"). #JavaScript #FlowCharts https://flowchart.fun/blog/post/styling-flowcharts-using-css
Another link that makes me love the web. 🧡 A collection of background patterns made with #CSS gradients. https://css-pattern.com
#CSS Only Chat. 😮 "A truly monstrous async web chat using no #JavaScript whatsoever on the frontend" https://github.com/kkuchta/css-only-chat
@jonkantner: Swirling Sun Preloader codepen.io/jkantner/pen/L… @CodePen #CSS #SVG pic.twitter.com/ntyaj1fHPE Video
Very cool breakdown here for frontend devs: "Rebuilding a comment component with modern #CSS" https://ishadeed.com/article/comment-component
Don’t use custom #CSS scrollbars https://ericwbailey.website/published/dont-use-custom-css-scrollbars/
https://www.thegoodlineheight.com/ is a tool that calculates a good line height: "the exact number so it always fits the baseline grid". #CSS
"4 Levels of Grids for Web Designers" Levels of grid use in interaction design, from the most basic — like alignment — to the more craft-intense and detailed — like vertical spacing. #CSS https://www.chrbutler.com/2023-05-28?ref=web-design-weekly.com
Why we're bad at #CSS (via @peruvianidol) https://www.mikeaparicio.com/posts/2023-05-22-why-were-bad-at-css/
Nice. A brief tutorial explaining how to move an element along a given path, using the offset-path property. #CSS #JavaScript https://rauno.me/craft/graph-slider
Nice. A brief tutorial explaining how to move an element along a given path, using the offset-path property. #CSS #JavaScript
"Mastering #CSS Blend Modes" Nice guide to CSS mix blend modes. https://www.kodingkitty.com/blog/blend-modes/
Single Line Comments in #CSS https://blog.jim-nielsen.com/2023/single-line-comments-in-css/ Good line from @jimniels "Sass was like #jQuery: a wonderful proving ground for innovative, constructive ideas and APIs that eventually made their way into the web platform."