.dresser { align-left: -20px;} #CSS #memes
Woot! Yes! Bringing Back Horizontal Rules in Select Elements #WebKit #CSS https://webkit.org/blog/14933/bringing-back-horizontal-rules-in-select-elements/
𧑠these wooden toggle switches. Vintage look in modern web apps. https://codepen.io/nicolasjesenberger/details/mdomqGR #CSS
12 Modern #CSS One-Line Upgrades "…properties to start incorporating into your projects, and enjoy reducing technical debt, removing JavaScript, and scoring easy wins for user experience." https://moderncss.dev/12-modern-css-one-line-upgrades/ via @5t3ph
Bookmarking: List of websites for "free #HTML templates w/ vanilla #CSS". https://dev.to/luciantartea/10-best-websites-for-free-html-templates-vanilla-css-3gmn
This is potentially cool for #frontend developers. It's a site that allows you to build and customize #CSS only loaders. https://www.loadership.com/ #webdev
Fading content using transparent gradient in #CSS https://www.amitmerchant.com/fading-content-using-transparent-gradients-in-css/
Nice introduction to the new View Transitions API (although supported mostly by #Chrome and #Edge at this point) #CSS https://12daysofweb.dev/2023/view-transitions/?ref=web-design-weekly.com Both Firefox and Webkit are currently working on their implementation
"#CSS based state management" Wild look on how CSS custom properties can be used to store state utilizing the way inheritance works in CSS. https://www.mayank.co/blog/css-for-js-state #frontend
Developer: "I didn't set a max-height to the element in #CSS. I don't think anyone will notice." Me: π€
Finding "the best way" to create animated gradient borders in #CSS https://bejamas.io/blog/css-animated-gradient-border/?ref=web-design-weekly.com Sadly this doesn't seem to currently work in #Firefox for me.
If you work in #frontend coding and want some reading material over any upcoming break about some things missed in 2023 this might be nice: "Friday Front-Endβs Top Links of 2023" https://spaceninja.com/blog/2023/ff-top-ten-2023/ #JavaScript #CSS #HTML
"How we reduced #CSS size and improved performance across GOV.UK" https://gds.blog.gov.uk/2023/12/15/how-we-reduced-css-size-and-improved-performance-across-gov-uk/ "We removed 32 stylesheets across 7 applications and more than 600 lines of CSS by removing unused CSS – styles that are no longer used anywhere" #frontend
An interactive guide to making #SVG spinners. https://fffuel.co/svg-spinner/ #CSS #frontend
Nice bit of a #CSS roundup here. "More Surprising Powers of CSS" (Via @chriscoyier) https://blog.codepen.io/2023/12/11/chris-corner-more-surprising-powers-of-css/
Using date-based #CSS to make old web pages *look* old https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2023/12/using-date-based-css-to-make-old-web-pages-look-old/ via @Edent
"#CSS Wrapped: 2023" Summary of what got introduced, what got popular enough to use, and the big shifts. https://developer.chrome.com/blog/css-wrapped-2023 "Now, every modern browser supports container queries, subgrid, the :has() selector, and a whole plethora of new color spaces and functions." #frontend
A nice looking #SVG Tutorial, learning step by step with a fun interface. #css #frontend https://svg-tutorial.com/
Making "noisy" #SVG or adding noise texture with only code. #frontend #css https://daniel.do/article/making-noisy-svgs/ Pretty cool. Expecting @chriscoyier to mention this in a future Shoptalk Show. π See also: https://css-tricks.com/grainy-gradients/
Hide and Debug Empty Elements with #CSS via @michelle. https://css-irl.info/hide-and-debug-empty-elements-with-css/ "use the :empty pseudo-class to hide pesky empty elements (commonly found in user-generated content)." #frontend
dompdf ( dompdf/dompdf )
HTML to PDF converter for PHP Created by dompdf on Nov 12, 2012.
"You don't need #JavaScript for that." https://www.htmhell.dev/adventcalendar/2023/2/ "Choose the least powerful language suitable for a given purpose… On the web this means preferring HTML over #CSS, and then CSS over JS."
Thought by 2023 I'd be forced away from foundations of HTML #PHP #JavaScript #CSS (and #WordPress). A partial list of "hot and need to learn to survive" things over the past 20 years that didn't derail me: – Flash/ActionScript– ColdFusion– Ruby on Rails– (Countless JS "frameworks" that mostly don't exist today)– Go– JAMSTACK– React– AMP–…
The "isolation" property is the "#CSS property you didn't know you needed". I don't remember reading / learning about this before. π€ https://dev.to/francescovetere/the-css-property-you-didnt-know-you-needed-3fk0 It basically provides more control over how elements interact with the rest of the document, and it is often an elegant solution for z-index issues.
The `hanging-punctuation property` in #CSS via @chriscoyier https://chriscoyier.net/2023/11/27/the-hanging-punctuation-property-in-css/
"Animotion" is a web app that creates #CSS animations visually with no code by dragging, resizing, rotating, clipping… …includes keyframes editor, animations and 29 built-in easings. https://cssanimotion.pages.dev/ #developers #frontend
Getting started with #CSS container queries https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/blog/getting-started-with-css-container-queries/
This is a cool guide. An Interactive Guide to #CSS Grid https://www.joshwcomeau.com/css/interactive-guide-to-grid/
Changing Colors in an #SVG Element Using #CSS and #JavaScript https://www.kirupa.com/web/changing_colors_svg_css_javascript.htm
Bubble Sort…in PURE #CSS? π± https://dev.to/grahamthedev/bubble-sortin-pure-css-no-js-3bb1