Nice collection of nice but subtle dialog effects tympanus.net/Development/Di… #css
A simple #CSS tooltip made with #Sass arashm.net/lab/simptip/
Nice example of Apple’s iMac scrolling effect at @CodePen: codepen.io/mariusbalaj/pe… #css
Cool way of using SVG to make unique and responsive progress bars #css github.com/kimmobrunfeldt…
Some simple Sass boilerplates: github.com/fboes/sass-sty… github.com/srsgores/sass-… getfireshell.com leemunroe.com/html5-css3-scs… #css
Autoprefixing with Grunt #css #sass gist.github.com/flipstewart/fe… (h/t @elyseholladay @flipstewart) #sassconf14
getwebplate.com looks interesting: front-end framework w/ UI kits and JS libs. Minimal, but not TOO minimal. #css
Very cool @CodePen demo: codepen.io/bvbrandon/pen/… #css
basscss.com is a “modular #CSS toolkit based on OOCSS principles”
Animated Background Headers #css tympanus.net/codrops/2014/0…
Off-canvas menu effects/styles using #CSS and #SVG path animations. tympanus.net/codrops/2014/0…
I’m a SASS man (here come the jokes) but if you do LESS w/ WordPress development: roysivan.com/enqueue-use-le… #css
Drop-In Responsive Styles with #Sass coderwall.com/p/ybcteq #css
#Sass retina image mixin coderwall.com/p/7pqh6q #css
#Sass 3.4 is out: sitepoint.com/sass-3-4-is-ou… #css
If you’re still new to #Sass this styleguide might be worth a look: sitepoint.com/css-sass-style… #css
A neat (but weird) trick to baseline-align text in #CSS blogs.adobe.com/webplatform/20…
Parse #CSS and add vendor-prefixed CSS properties with Grunt. github.com/nDmitry/grunt-…
Shrthnd is a handy tool that converts #CSS properties into shorthand: github.com/frankmarineau/…
A nice “Icons Filling Effect” #css codyhouse.co/gem/icons-fill…
Website notification styles inspiration: tympanus.net/Development/No… #css
Great insight and tricks into RTL (right to left) sites: alfy.me/2014/07/26/let… #css
Helpful #Sass Mixins: seesparkbox.com/foundry/helpfu… zerosixthree.se/8-sass-mixins-… github.com/taupecat/sass-… #css
Nice post from @HugoGiraudel on using #Sass to build color palettes sitepoint.com/using-sass-bui… #css
.@drewbarcontini Front End Audit doc for outlining and planning your front-end build: github.com/drewbarontini/… #CSS #frontendconf
I think i’m going to make a “browse a sniff” t-shirt. #CSS @rachsmithtweets #frontendconf
Fading effects using blend modes blogs.adobe.com/webplatform/20… #css
webfont.js gives added control when using @font-face. Loads Google Fonts, TypeKit, etc. #css github.com/typekit/webfon…
Some inspiration and modern ideas for subtle hover effects github.com/codrops/HoverE… #css
Sassy Z-Index Management For Complex Layouts smashingmagazine.com/2014/06/12/sas… #css #sass