Build a a React-based, text-only, loading screen animated sequentially with CSS techblog.ourcentro.net/patrick-grady/… #reactjs #css
Bulma: another modern CSS framework based on Flexbox bulma.io #css
Frontend developers: bookmark this @CodePen “Flex Container Playground” codepen.io/enxaneta/full/… #css
A 1100+ color collection available of “brand” colors in #sass, less, stylus and #css brand-colors.com
flexbox.io : Free 20 video course that will help you master #CSS Flexbox
A gradient generator that does those “blurry backgrounds” based on images. gradient.quasi.ink #sass #css
app-reset.css: A minimal set of reset #CSS specifically for web applications github.com/benfrain/app-r…
I’ve been looking for a clean SASS based CSS grid system and Avalanche looks pretty good: colourgarden.net/avalanche/ #css
Browser and device specific #CSS styles w/ #SASS & #LESS mixing. aslanbakan.com/en/blog/browse…
Crafting Twelve-Column Layouts with Flexbox #css @davidwalshblog davidwalsh.name/flexbox-layouts
Touch Keyboard Types Cheat Sheet #html5 #css baymard.com/labs/touch-key…
Generally avoid “end of the year” lists but this “Best Pure #CSS @CodePen Of 2015” is worth a look: cssdesignawards.com/articles/best-…
Very cool #css demo: “Animated Map Path for Interactive Storytelling” tympanus.net/codrops/2015/1…
Twitter’s Heart Animation in Full #CSS medium.com/@OxyDesign/twi…
Intuitive Scrolling Interfaces with #CSS Scroll Snap Points sitepoint.com/intuitive-scro…
“Why I’m Excited About Native #CSS Variables” @philwalton philipwalton.com/articles/why-i…
A “simple presentation template” in #CSS and #jQuery. codyhouse.co/gem/presentati…
Nice #css proof of concept of an “interactive room display” tympanus.net/codrops/2015/1…
Twitter Heart Animation in #CSS (it’s mostly an animated sprite) codepen.io/donovanh/pen/d…
.@Real_CSS_Tricks has one of the better “Easter Egg” logos. How it’s done via #css: css-tricks.com/the-making-of-…
Cool #css concept: gBoxShadow.js induces gravity to the “box-shadow” property: github.com/Gigacore/gBoxS…
#CSS Rain & Water Effect Experiments tympanus.net/codrops/2015/1…
Interesting: How Ebay’s #CSS Framework Helps Enforce Accessibility ebaytechblog.com/2015/11/04/how…
CSS based Attack: Abusing unicode-range of font-face (rare I see #CSS security warnings) mksben.l0.cm/2015/10/css-ba…
“Things To Avoid When Writing #CSS” medium.com/@Heydon/things…
Interesting: Mobile “Pull to Share” Interaction Experiment tympanus.net/codrops/2015/1… #css
Reverse Text Color Based on Background Color Automatically in #CSS (nice tip from @robinrendle) css-tricks.com/reverse-text-c…
Quick[select] turns <SELECT> options into clickable buttons with a traditional <SELECT> as a fallback. #css #jquery davidwalsh.name/quick-select
#CSS “Framework for Dummies”, Without Classes yegor256.github.io/tacit/
Make a Flipbook with Pure #CSS zurb.com/article/1408/m…