dropcap.js allows you to do drop caps easily. #css webplatform.adobe.com/dropcap.js/ @markodugonjic. #wceu
A React/Webpack/(S)CSS Modules/testing applications boilerplate. github.com/juliocesar/neob #reactjs #css
Sass Mixin for Generating Color Palettes #css jordiesaenz.com/palettetown/
A #SASS mixin for quickly creating angled section edges #CSS github.com/josephfusco/an…
Interesting: Jam API is a service that allows turn a site into a JSON accessible api using #CSS selectors. jamapi.xyz
Interesting study on why Sass mixing are better for performance: csswizardry.com/2016/02/mixins… #css #sass
#CSS Specificity cheat sheet w/ icons inspired from “The Shining” cssspecificity.com
Punch-Out Avatar adrianroselli.com/2016/06/punch-… #css
Pills – A simple, responsive, and mobile-first tiny (4k) #CSS grid system. arkpod.in/pills/
How to improve your #CSS with Parker, a simple static analysis tool for your CSS files: csswizardry.com/2016/06/improv…
#CSS & #JavaScript Countdown Timers cssparadise.com/post/145115347…
Image hover effects #css miketricking.github.io/dist/
Neat! Using ImageMagick and #CSS animations to create mobile previews for video: notes.embed.ly/building-anima…
Impressive looking of free animated SVG icons. cssparadise.com/post/144756674… #css
Set of 20 smart #SASS mixins which will help you to manage the style of :nth-child’ified elements #css github.com/LukyVj/family.…
RT @benfrain: Wrote a post about Debugging CSS: benfrain.com/debugging-css/ might be useful for those less experienced at CSS debugging. #css #…
Cutestrap: 8k #CSS framework (CSS frameworks are like the sands of the sea) cutestrap.com
CSS folks still learning (or what to learn) Flexbox, here’s a modest list of nice resources: wesbos.com/flexbox-resour… #css
Masking in the Browser with #CSS and #SVG sitepoint.com/masking-in-the…
Flexbox and Truncated Text @chriscoyier css-tricks.com/flexbox-trunca… #css #Flexbox
pintsize.io is a another “simple and modern” customisable grid system #css
A #CSS Library for the Star Wars Intro Crawl: polarnotion.github.io/starwarsintro #StarWarsDay
Meaningful CSS: Starting semantic and improving your markup @alistapart alistapart.com/article/meanin… #css
Improving the Quality of Your #CSS with #postCSS sitepoint.com/improving-the-… Not sure i’m ready for PostCSS yet, but it gives a good glimpse.
Making IFrames Responsive bitsofco.de/iframe-respons… #css
Driveway: #CSS masonry layout aid (some nice peaks i haven’t seen in other masonry scripts) jh3y.github.io/driveway/
Creating Wavescroll at @Real_CSS_Tricks css-tricks.com/creating-waves… @NikolayTalanov #css
Data Types in #Sass sitepoint.com/data-types-in-… #css
Flexbox Patterns: Build UI w/ #CSS Flexbox (examples + source code) flexboxpatterns.com/home
The lost art of visited links @jgthms jgthms.com/the-lost-art-o… #css