Simple-hint is a CSS-only tooltip library with a variety of features. catc.github.io/simple-hint/ #css
Nice free calendar PSD, HTML and #CSS from @m412c0b dribbble.com/shots/1208531-…
The end of the clearfix hack in #css (would be nice) with display:flow-root rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2017/… via @rachelandrew
Practical Guide to React and CSS Modules triplet.fi/blog/practical… #reactjs #css
If you are feeling REALLY nostalgic, here’s some IE scrollbars on @CodePen. These are older than my kids. #css codepen.io/pouretrebelle/…
Front-end devs: “Align SVG Icons to Text and Say Goodbye to Font Icons” blog.prototypr.io/align-svg-icon… #css #svg
If you dabble in front-end development and animation, mojs.io looks a nice library. #css
Use #SASS? Plumber is a SASS mixin that builds a nice baseline grid for ya. #css (love the slug) github.com/jamonserrano/p…
CSS reset for minimalists allthingssmitty.com/2017/01/09/css… #css
Nice way of mirroring an image and animating it via #css: github.com/codrops/Mirror…
Sloped edges with consistent angle in #CSS @kilianvalkhof kilianvalkhof.com/2017/design/sl…
A collection of 100+ HTML/CSS (side, accordion, toggle, sliding, etc.) menus with #JavaScript #css freefrontend.com/css-menu/
react-md: #reactjs components built with #sass react-md.mlaursen.com #css
Nice post on responsive video resizing from @allthingssmitty allthingssmitty.com/2016/12/12/res… #css #FrontEnd
Nice @CodePen: Simulate Spotify duotone effect w/ #CSS filters, blend modes, and pseudo-elements codepen.io/meowwwls/full/…
Front-end devs might want to check out gridbyexample.com/posts/ for collection of usage examples for the #CSS Grid Layout specification.
McGriddle: #Sass library designed to help you build based on a grid system. Love the name. jonsuh.com/mcgriddle/ #css
The 100% correct way to do #CSS breakpoints @D__Gilbertson medium.freecodecamp.com/the-100-correc…
A well-done visual guide to #CSS cssreference.io
castlecss.com is a new mobile first SCSS framework w/ modular building blocks medium.com/@DoorDarius/la… #scss #css
If you play w/ CSS and said “hey i’d love to do some tilt hover effects” then it’s your lucky day. tympanus.net/codrops/2016/1… #css
Good ‘ol @chriscoyier shows how to do style list markers in #CSS css-tricks.com/style-list-mar…
Nice collection of image effect #css examples (some might need JS to work w/ IE though) bennettfeely.com/image-effects/
A small collection of useful #CSS techniques and a quick reminder that print style sheets are still a thing. medium.com/@matuzo/i-tota…
The Power of the rgba() Color Function in #CSS @Real_CSS_Tricks css-tricks.com/the-power-of-r…
Nice explanation on how #CSS pseudo-classes work from @NashVail medium.freecodecamp.com/explained-css-…
Nice post focusing on 10 principles for smooth web animations @aprilzero blog.gyrosco.pe/smooth-css-ani… #css #javascript
Photo toning w/ gradients and blend modes in #css daveshea.com/2016/10/24/pho…
A Priority+ Navigation With Scrolling and Dropdowns @Real_CSS_Tricks css-tricks.com/priority-navig… #css
Neatest @CodePen thing this week for me might be Minesweeper in pure #CSS: codepen.io/bali_balo/pen/…