Nice #CSS trick on @CodePen to animate photo-corner style border links: codepen.io/heyvian/pen/Na…
5 things #CSS developers wish they knew before they started (via @andresgalante on @Real_CSS_Tricks) css-tricks.com/5-things-css-d…
SentinelJS is a tiny #JavaScript library that lets you detect new DOM nodes using #CSS selectors. github.com/muicss/sentine…
Nice neon effect with #css on @CodePen. codepen.io/AllThingsSmitt…
This is cool: #CSS only directionally aware hover on @CodePen codepen.io/giana/pen/YZWj…
Minimal Page Transitions with #jQuery & #CSS blog.adam-marsden.co.uk/minimal-page-t…
Draw a horizontal tree using #CSS pseudo elements igauravsehrawat.github.io/draw-a-horizon…
Nice airport distance map in @codepen made with #JavaScript #CSS #SVG codepen.io/shshaw/full/vJ…
Sass #SCSS Responsive Media Queries Mixin for Eight Different Screen Sizes #css github.com/ahmadawais/ReS…
Tips on doing a “frosted glass effect” in #css: medium.com/@AmJustSam/how…
Interesting: Shoelace.css is a “starter kit” – a ”#CSS reset sprinkled with helpful components” shoelace.style
A “Collection of Interesting Facts” about #CSS Grid Layout from @mmatuzo at @Real_CSS_Tricks css-tricks.com/collection-int…
Nice @CodePen mimicking Facebook emoji animations w/ #css codepen.io/Freaked/pen/gx…
“What’s next for CSS?” is a database #CSS features and how far they are in becoming implemented web standards. jonathantneal.github.io/css-db/
Front-end dev’ers: “Font aliasing, or how to rename a font in #css” by @zachleat: zachleat.com/web/rename-fon…
Pros and cons for methods for equal height columns in #css (including flex and css grid) codepen.io/craigwfox/post…
“Juice” from @automattic inlines #CSS into HTML source (say for HTML emails). github.com/Automattic/jui… They just need to create “Gin”.
Kinda cool, especially if you’re a front-end dev: Building a pure #css crossword puzzle. sitepoint.com/how-built-pure…
Exploring what the current techniques are to creating Aspect Ratios in #CSS (via @bramurss) bram.us/2017/06/16/asp…
Front-end devs using @firefox: some nice upgrades in #CSS Grid Inspector in Firefox Nightly hacks.mozilla.org/2017/06/new-cs…
Front-end devs: comparison of #CSS Animations vs Web Animations API css-tricks.com/css-animations… #javascript
webkul.github.io/coolhue/ is a nice looking gallery of gradient hues w/ #CSS snippets.
“What we need is a two-dimensional layout-in tool to separate content from presentation. That’s #CSS Grid gives us.” @mor10 #WCEU
mor10.com website already uses the #css grid. @mor10 #WCEU
In this corner at @WCEurope: @mor10 speaking about the #css grid, life, the universe, and everything. #WCEU
Nice post from @mor10 on building production ready #css grid layouts over at @smashingmag: smashingmagazine.com/2017/06/buildi…
Nice example of a responsive #Flexbox pricing table at @CodePen codepen.io/AllThingsSmitt… #css
Nice trick of cropping Images in #CSS with object-fit alligator.io/css/cropping-i…
“Trendy CSS Text Shadows” from @mixfont mixfont.com/shadows #css
Wait for it. #css