Oh my. @j_kantner recreated a Scantron sheet using #CSS grid and i’m having flashbacks to high school. codepen.io/jkantner/pen/M…
Beautiful watch animation w/ only #css (via @codepen) codepen.io/Wujek_Greg/pen…
Simple and flexible, #css only, content placeholder loading animations github.com/zalog/placehol…
So #CSS Custom Properties are now supported in all modern browsers, and @mikeriethmuller has a nice strategy guide at @smashingmag: smashingmagazine.com/2018/05/css-cu…
The backdrop-filter property in #css looks pretty sweet. css-tricks.com/the-backdrop-f…
Unicode Patterns in #CSS (nice experiment) yuanchuan.name/2018/05/06/uni…
Nice look into the relative units of #CSS from @thepinecode: pineco.de/the-relative-u…
Interesting: a #CSS Grid Layout Interface Builder layoutit.com/grid
If you haven’t stuck your nose into #css recently then this “new CSS features” making impact on designs from “@smashingmag @zellwk is worth a look: smashingmagazine.com/2018/05/future…
How to do responsive knockout text w/ looping video css-tricks.com/responsive-kno… #svg #css
Finger-friendly numerical inputs with ‘inputmode’ #css css-tricks.com/finger-friendl…
Nice library for particle effects, say for buttons: tympanus.net/codrops/2018/0… #css #JavaScript
Nice. @snookca shows how to animate the <progress> HTML tag (it’s been around for years) snook.ca/archives/html_… #css
Best Practices With #CSS Grid Layout smashingmagazine.com/2018/04/best-p…
Creating smooth sequential animations with #Sass #css glennmccomb.com/articles/creat…
Interesting: solisapp.com is “Live Design Output” that integrates with code editors to delivering real time, multi viewport previewing of HTML, #CSS, #SCSS and LESS.
Interesting “Multidirectional Email Carousel” demo from @gj_wes on @CodePen codepen.io/Gwesolo/pen/jz… #css
Nice looking CSS3 Patterns Gallery #css lea.verou.me/css3patterns/
.@chriscoyier shows off a neat trick of keeping pixelated images pixelated as they scale. css-tricks.com/keep-pixelated… #css
Super-powered layouts with CSS Variables + #CSS Grid (via @CodePen) codepen.io/michellebarker…
Working with the new #CSS Typed Object Model developers.google.com/web/updates/20…
Nice @CodePen eye animations codepen.io/creme/pen/rdjX… #css
Love this: Super Mario World animation made purely with #CSS w/ no images or JavaScript. medium.com/@alcidesqueiro…
Standalone parallax scrolling with #CSS variables basicscroll.electerious.com
How to make responsiveness super simple with #CSS Variables (via @perborgen) medium.freecodecamp.org/how-to-make-re…
CSS Centering Explorer: Find the way that how to center things in #CSS chunqiuyiyu.com/css-centering-…
Third party #CSS is not safe jakearchibald.com/2018/third-par…
Learn #CSS Variables in 5 minutes (via @perborgen) medium.freecodecamp.org/learn-css-vari…
Process of how a design goes from a concept to actual build with #CSS grid: chenhuijing.com/blog/how-i-des…
#CSS Grid + CSS Multi-Columns = ♥ (via @patrickbrosset) medium.com/@patrickbrosse…