
  • Nice: ct.css is a diagnostic #CSS snippet that exposes potential performance issues in your page’s <head> tags. From @csswizardry. github.com/csswizardry/ct

  • 💙 hacks like this: “How I made Google’s data grid scroll 10x faster with one line of #CSS” TIL “contain: strict” medium.com/@johan.isaksso…

  • If you know what CSS Houdini is, then this community-driven resource library of #CSS Houdini worklets might be of interest: houdini.how

  • A straight forward #CSS flex-box guide if you been meaning to wrap your head around it: dev.to/hellonehha/css…

  • Flowbite is an open-source set of web components (w/ paid options) built on top of Tailwind #CSS. flowbite.com

  • Culori is a color library w/ an API for #JavaScript that handles color differences, interpolation, gradients, blend modes and more. Supports #CSS Colors Level 4. culorijs.org

  • Didn’t think on a Saturday I would be reading an interesting post (from @DaAleksandersen) on line wrap balancing. But here we are. #JavaScript #CSS ctrl.blog/entry/text-wra…

  • Another Friday front-end dev treat: Conditional Border Radius In #CSS (via @shadeed9) ishadeed.com/article/condit…

  • Nice. stylestage.dev is kinda like CSS Zen Garden but more for “modern #CSS” (flexbox, grid, variable fonts, etc.) Maintained by @5t3ph

  • Wow a.singlediv.com (from @lynnandtonic) is pretty cool. Serious #CSS skills.

  • All you need to know about hyphenation in #CSS (via @clagnut) clagnut.com/blog/2395

  • Getting started with PostCSS in 2019 #CSS blog.logrocket.com/getting-starte…

  • Sass version of Normalize.css, a collection of HTML element and attribute rulesets to normalize styles across all browsers. #CSS github.com/JohnAlbin/norm…

  • #CSS Shapes Resources (via @rosieebob) codepen.io/KristopherVanS…

  • #CSS selectors cheatsheet medium.com/design-code-re…

  • #StateOfCSS 2019 Survey from those that do the “State of JavaScript” Survey (via @SachaGreif): medium.freecodecamp.org/announcing-the… #css

  • Excellent post from @rachelandrew on @smashingmag about issues we face with regard to #CSS and browser support. smashingmagazine.com/2019/02/css-br…

  • cloudflare.design/color/ is an interesting tool for exploring and creating color palettes. Export as #css #saas and other nice features.

  • Good read from @rachelandrew: “HTML, #CSS and our vanishing industry entry points” rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2019/…

  • RT @davewarfel: I found the default #WordPress block #CSS to be a little… eh. So I completely rewrote, re-organized & sassified it. Took…

  • Styling a Select Like It’s 2019 #FrontEnd #CSS filamentgroup.com/lab/select-css…

  • Really nice SVG gradient map tool! yoksel.github.io/svg-gradient-m… #CSS #SVG

  • Elaborate? Yeah, but still a cool way to think of radio button animations. (via @CodePen) #css #Javascript codepen.io/liamj/pen/Negx…

  • Liking the VHS Retro style featured on @CodePen #css codepen.io/creme/pen/aPJw…

  • First came NES.css (bcrikko.github.io/NES.css/), now there’s a #Playstation 1 style #CSS Framework! 🎮 98mprice.github.io/PSone.css/

  • .@chriscoyier nicely touches on the subject of #CSS global scope and I agree there’s more talk destined for this in 2019. css-tricks.com/regarding-csss…

  • Just centered a div vertically in #CSS.

  • NES (as in Nintendo Entertainment System) style #CSS framework. 😍bcrikko.github.io/NES.css/

  • .@GieselaarD shows how to optimizing #CSS by removing unused media queries: medium.com/zoover-enginee…

  • Never thought of #css transitions in emails before but here’s a good post on how they can be done: litmus.com/blog/understan…