
  • Nice way of animating a static Image with a few lines of #CSS https://levelup.gitconnected.com/animating-a-static-image-with-css-270d796e2ff2

  • Color Formats in #CSS – nice reminders and some things front-end devs might have forgotten about (via @JoshWComeau) joshwcomeau.com/css/color-form…

  • Hey designers – know what a Clothoid Corner is? Here’s a website that can generate #CSS “Clothoid Corners” for you. onotakehiko.dev/clothoid/

  • Hey designers – know what a Clothoid Corner is? I didn't until now. Here’s a website that can generate #CSS “Clothoid Corners” for you. https://onotakehiko.dev/clothoid/

  • Nice: charts.css is a pure #CSS way to turn tabular data into really nice charts. http://chartscss.org/

  • flowbite.com is an #opensource ecosystem of open-source libraries, tools, and products built around Tailwind #CSS.

  • If you’re looking for a a nice Interactive guide to Flexbox #CSS then this looks like a good one to bookmark from @JoshWComeau (with a cocktail wiener example). joshwcomeau.com/css/interactiv…

  • Why you should never use px to set font-size in #CSS: joshcollinsworth.com/blog/never-use…

  • Tree views in #CSS iamkate.com/code/tree-view…

  • nice #CSS tool fore trying to find that right media query code. mediaquery.style

  • Work in #CSS? Worth a read: “Meet the top layer: a solution to z-index:10000… This means that elements promoted to the top layer needn’t worry about z-index or DOM hierarchy.” developer.chrome.com/blog/what-is-t…

  • Good look at modern #CSS selectors like :is() and :where() from @craigbuckler blog.openreplay.com/modern-css-sel…

  • TIL: #CSS :out-of-range allows you to style input elements based on its valid value status davidwalsh.name

  • If you work with #CSS, :has() is a big enough thing you want to pay attention to and learn more about. Safari and Chrome will have it, Firefox working on it. webkit.org/blog/13096/css…

  • “Tools4CSS” has a few #CSS generators for some web devs. tools4css.vercel.app

  • Chef’s kiss #CSS version. 😚👌🏻 twitter.com/mgechev/status…

  • Nice read for front-end devs: “Lesser-Known And Underused” #CSS features In 2022 (via @AdrianBeceDev) smashingmagazine.com/2022/05/lesser…

  • Tailwindhelper assists you in styling with @tailwindcss. Visualize settings, convert your values into tailwind classes, etc. tailwindhelper.com #CSS

  • I don’t use the Twitter website (Tweetdeck and Tweetbot for desktop and iOS) But if you do use the Twitter website this might remove ads from your Twitter timeline with a few lines of #CSS. pawelgrzybek.com/remove-ads-fro…

  • Looks like a nice resource using “display” in #CSS, and a nice visual in @CodePen to boot. twitter.com/melnik909/stat…

  • This is a very nice trick and would love to see this in more sites, especially with ones with long scroll windows and feeds. #CSS twitter.com/elijahmanor/st…

  • This is pretty cool #CSS news. Support in Chrome (now) and Safari (already had it). Firefox just now needs to grab it. :has is going to be handy. twitter.com/jh3yy/status/1…

  • Very cool: #CSS border animations (via @bramus) web.dev/css-border-ani…

  • If you’re big into what the #CSS nesting syntax style might look like, this looks like a worth while survey? twitter.com/ChromiumDev/st…

  • Love seeing how #CSS can be pushed. Holograms, light-leaks, and CSS only shaders: robbowen.digital/wrote-about/cs…

  • A website (#CSS experiment) that’s 18.94 kilometers high (about 11.77 miles). worlds-highest-website.com

  • Nice. Much more readable #CSS on… say “a late Thursday night with only 3 hours sleep” scenario. twitter.com/matanbobi/stat…

  • Wow, looks like a great tool (from @imac2) to create #CSS shadow gradients (especially colorful ones). alvarotrigo.com/shadow-gradien…

  • Some clever #CSS here. twitter.com/ChallengesCss/…

  • MVP.css: Minimalist stylesheet for HTML elements. Out of the box #CSS styling w/ no frameworks. github.com/andybrewer/mvp